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Accession register is reruired to be maintained in the automated library?

Accession register is a document which maintains the holding of the library.It contains the  below mentioned columns.but in the automated library is it reuired to maintain a accession register.i suggest the below information  .any body has any more suggestion pls disscuss.

Date   Accession No   Title    Author   Publisher    Edn and Year   Vol    Pages   Size  Type of Binding

Vendor   Bill and date   Price     Cost       subject     Call No     withdrawal details     Remark

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Dear Ms. Tendolkar,

Accession Registers, as we all understand, sequentially record books included into the collection of the Library.

Automated Libraries too are no exception.

However, you can make the Accession Register in soft form (in, say, simple excel format) with requisite fields as you have mentioned (however, addition of a few more fields may be better for easy search and better maintenance, like ISBN Order details,order No. & date and actual & discounted prices etc.)

As I believe, each of these fields make the register more transparent and easy to handle queries from people asking about libraries mainly in financial perspective.

In our Library we have OPAC and we have hard & soft copy Accession Registers as well!! Actually we make entries into the formatted register in the computers and upon completion of 100 pages, we get a print-out of the pages and get them bound. In the soft copy register, we keep a note of the hard copies made.

The Auditors often ask for hard copies because they are more accustomed with them and as they ask for expenditure over a particular period, the soft copies often become more handy. Librarians can very well convince them about their ability to squeeze out discounts beyond normal rate of 10% and highlight his/her efficiency of bargaining!.

E-Accession Registers are helpful to prepare various on-demand statistics as well. Printed/Hard copy Registers are often serve as an impressive item for the Library visitors. A series of well maintained & neatly devised Accession Registers when placed before the inspecting teams, certainly create sort of positive impacts upon the members. It also tells a saga of the development of the Library and the institution. 

As such, for any library, Accession registers are a must. Admittedly, their physical forms may vary according to the nature and types of the libraries that's all!


Siddhartha Shankar Ray, Calcutta 

Accession register is the main record of library. we have not replace it with automation. Automation have been crash any time but Acc. Reg. all time with us.

 why are you using withdrawal details?


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