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Altmetrics and other metrics related concept in LIS

Please provide information's about Altmetrics and other metrics related concept in LIS

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Dear Sir,

Altmetrics is the creation and study of new metrics based on the Social Web for analyzing, and informing scholarship. (Source:

Altmetrics is new metrics which do analysis of the information of scholarly behaviors on Internet with the help of other web tools. It is overall study of impact of an article/scholarly publication, how does it make sense among community at different platforms, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogs, websites, news bulletins, reference management tools, Mendeley, CiteULike, Zotero, etc. By observing and following each sources it predicts the metrics in terms of hits and click, downloads, twits. cite, etc.

Altmetrics includes everything (different types of social media behaviors) along with the citation and referencing. Other metrics were not like the Altmetrics, they were specific towards their target, most of the previous metrics used to talk only the citations but Altmetrics cover the various impacts.

It gives the details of an article is same as shown in picture herewith. (Source:

The benefits and terms of acceptability of Altmetrics is/are more justified and valuable. It gives total impact of an article what it make the sense in community or in the domain of its area. Only the weakness which it has is, its on-line. There is no such concepts of Altmetrics in off-line or print media.

This is the basic and primary concepts on Altmetrics I have given you. I suggest to read the contents and come forward for discussions.

Read one of small presentation on the this topic also at:

Thank you,

Thank you


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