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Answer of ILA President Dr.D V Singh towards E-Mail campaign - ILA get well soon

First of all I would like to know about your ILA membership whether you are member or not if yes than give me details.

ILA is not sick it is functioning very well.If you feel that it is sick. How will you contribute to make it healthy. 

Merely forwarding the message will not serve the purpose.

I would request you to kindly send the details of your work you have done for the profession other than your job.

So far my knowledge is concern I have not heard your name EVER IN PROFESSION.
you SHOULD know that ILA is not a statutory body it is a voluntary professional body.I hope you understand the difference.there are some problem in Gujrat also what have you done regarding that.
To criticise is very easy but to do some thing in positive direction is very difficult

I hope you shall respond to my reply

Dr.D V Singh

President ILA 

E-Mail campaign - ILA get well soon


We should pray for Indian Library Association because ILA is suffering with Sleeping Sickness, so they can’t hear the voice and feel the pain of LIS professionals. Please forward the following matter with your best wishes to Honorable President and General Secretary of ILA. Every member of LISLINK should send the message so we could send our feelings to ILA.


Email:                             Secretary



Today library professionals are facing a lot of problems and our professional organisation ILA is sleeping.

A library professional faces various problems/ hurdles every day, some of them are as under:

1. Status issue at work place and society

2. Salary and stipend = MNREGA Mazadoor

3. Exploitation in private sector

4. Non teaching Cadre in school/ college and university

5. Unemployment

6. No promotion opportunities for Librarians/ Asst. Librarians in school/ college and university.

7. Condition of School and Public libraries

8. Working Condition and pay scales of Public Libraries

9. No post of librarian sanction in UP State Government senior secondary school 

10. No post of librarians in ITIs

11. Less pay bands for librarians in Engineering College and Polytechnic colleges (AICTE norms)

12. Library act/ Legislation is still pending in more than one dozen states

13. Implication of Library act/ Legislation in various states.

14. Our salary is 900 to 2,500 per month, but our expenditure on education is Rs. 22,000/=.

15. Librarian Vacancy published by Haryana Government but qualifications MCA and BE.


There may be various similar issues but                                                                                         

No representation by ILA to Government or Authorities.

Please post your comments and simultaneously forward the message to ILA through email. 

Dr. N K Pachauri

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Dear Akash

I am a member of ILA since 2002 but ILA did not send me the journal since 2009.

I also appreciate the contribution of Dr. DV Singh but he have to do a lot for the professional growth. Re-designation is a big issue and in UP some of my friends are waiting the contempt case decision of high court against the UP Government.  

Dear Sir,
These problems are true.

I really agree to what Dr. Pachauri is saying but before we blame other, should we not look into library as a profession and we as PROFESSIONAL....

I am from IT background but I joined Library Science course not because they where limited opportunity for the IT Professional but because of Dr. Ranganathan, his colon classification is like a software with lots of if...then... while... just to get a class number of a book. But in my 12 years of experience; I could not able to learn anything new. Right now if anybody ask me how to do a cataloging in a software (I will not name the software in an open forum) I can mention the same without missing a single step and classification we where using UDC and then DDC, and everybody knows how easy and quick is both of them.

That's why I moved out of the Library Professional and taken the other side as Marketing/Pre-Sales in Library Technology, I realized that the world of information is changed...DRASTICALLY. we are talking about CCF... outside they are talking about MARC21, MARCXML, FRBR, etc We are talking about CAS /SDI and outside world it is RSS, SMS Alerts, etc. Dr. Ranganathan's facet search become a part of of Google's search filtration bar (see the left hand side after your first search filtration based on images, maps, video, location, etc). Advance version of Facet become FRBR in western world.

I visited many libraries in India and found the Photo of Dr. Ranghanathan with five principal of library science and every law of library science is not followed in any library.

Books are for use. : I saw one university in UP where library is still following a close access in one location students do not have access to expensive books because they might damage it, knowledge / information sharing based on cost ? which law says that !!! and i don't know how many libraries are there with close access.

Every reader his [or her] book  /  Every book its reader.: many of the software provide little information on OPAC (if they have the OPAC interface) like title, author, publisher, page and subject - as entered by the librarian. I am not saying librarian is done a mistake in cataloging or classification but where is cross reference study materials, where is link to external resources. Many of the books in the library is already available in digital format in Google. Does our software provide any provision to connect with it or any other external/free resources.

Save the time of the reader. forget about saving time of the users first, talk about how library professional staff can save their time by not doing repetitive jobs like cataloging, indexing, etc. There are many utilities and services available in world which help them to build their database and improve their services. Unless the software library is using can support the same.

The library is a growing organism. ha ha ha ha  !!! I am sorry !!! but as collection yes library is growing but as professional growth NO WAY.... we are still AACR2 CARD system....

But If you ask whom to be blame Institute/Corporate/Govt which has hired/created the post etc... or Librarian/Documentation Officer/ Information Officer then we both share the burden equally but as this is my/our bread and butter we are more responsible for the same. Look at the IT sector... are they still using BASIC or COBOL or FORTRAN to do programming or using Pentium 2, Pentium 3 or outdated Server NO... they upgraded their knowledge and skill according to the world. But in our case one year back I had done a presentation to library professional LIS students, faculty members, Librarian, University Librarian had attended the program. When I asked them (students) about MARC21 they says they have theoretical knowledge but not practical.. thanks GOD we don't have Pilots with only theoretical knowledge of flying an aircraft...and professional staff they do not need it because they are already using a system which is meeting their requirement... BUT HELLO Mr Ranghanathan says " Library is a growing organism"... so requirement and needs changes as world changes... RIGHT...then how come a software which is installed 2 years back still meeting your requirement without any update and upgrades !!????

Blaming any library organization is easy and pass on the bucks !!!  But fortunately I had a chance to attend a meeting of two such organization in South one from Tamil Nadu and Second from Karnataka. The major concern for the member was the job, growth, designation, recognition, etc and for the organization membership finance, etc.And I accept that both phase of the coins are right on their perspective but who is suffering....!!!!

After Dr. Ranghanathan can anybody name in one icon who played a vital role in the development of library in India. Other than those small islands working here and there !!!

I know my above text is more of negative side but isn't that the truth is...

These are my few suggestion.

  • Stop calling yourself Librarian... Call yourself Manager (Information Office) or Manager (Knowledge Centre), I know IT / PRO already had taken this name but when u say about Knowledge Officer or Information Officer the first impression is about a person who has some knowledge or information and can atleast guide me to my information/knowledge requirement.
  • Stop using old system ... accept new technology/process MARC21, MARCXML, FRBR, ISO 2709, Z39.50, and so on... this might be hard at initial stage... but we are the knowledge keeper of the society... remember !!, I came across who are not even using the Computer for automation forget about software but happy to see MARC21 first time and shown great interest in using it.
  • Do something different from just cataloging, classification or issue return.. out there people are thirsty about knowledge... develop service / portal where information can be share with common man in his common language. there are utilities available which can help you in doing so, for example Right to information act.. in local language... Indian law in common man's language....i believe it was a librarian who found about the basmati rice patent by US.. I tried to fine the details but could not... I request you to share the details....

I want suggestion from you people how you think I can change the professional growth not for the institute but as an individual and make difference to the society and personal growth both knowledge and financial.

All are welcome ... and go open let fire the system and let the Phoenix with new color and shape !!!

Thanks and Regards

R Sunil Kumar

You are 100% correct Mr. R Sunil Kumar

it is the high time to take possible steps ASAP.
it is the high time to take possible steps ASAP.


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