Q.1 The person first started to work for library development in India is
A) Ragnanathan
B) W.Borden
Q.2 Staff Exchange is Part of
A) Resource Planning
B) Personnel Planning
C) inter Library Loan
Q.3 The Acronym FID stand for
A) International Federation for Documentation
B) International Federation for Information and Documentation
Q.4 Exchange of Documents among Libraries is Called
A) Library Networking
B) Resource Sharing
C) Inter Library Loan
Q.5 How Many States have passed Library legislation
A) 8
B) 9
C) 10
D) 11
Q.6 Reading centers , Story hours ,Exhibitions and reading to illiterate are forms of
A) Extension Service
B) Services of a Public Library
C) Both A and B
Q7. Which Terms was Coined by Ranganathan for Mobile Library
A) Library on wheels
B) Librachine
Q8. What is meaning of Organisation structure of the libraries
A) Structure of library
B) Structure of the Parental Boody of the Library
Q9 Which of the following pairs is not correct about the types of books
A) General and Reference books
B) Simple and Composite Books
C) Single and Reference books
D) Hand books and Text books
Q10 What is the most important element of organisation of libraries
A) Library
B) Library Building
C) Finance
D) Report
Q11. Which one is not the function of a National Library
A) It Represents National Bibliography
B) It Provides assistance to all libraries of country
Q12. OPAQUE paper is ________________ paper
A) White
B) Ultra White
C) Transparent
D) Non Transparent
Q.13 Which law of library science is Satisfied by organizing extension services