An old joke about libraries goes like this: A boy walks into a library and asks for a burger and fries. “Young man!” the startled librarian reprimands. “You are in a library.” So the boy repeats his order, only this time, he whispers.
So much has changed in libraries in recent years that such a scene may not be so far-fetched. Many libraries have become bustling community centers where talking out loud and even eating are perfectly acceptable.
Libraries have spread up its wings beyond the four walls as few librarians posits that due to the recession, the availability of new technology and because libraries have been re-imagining themselves — a necessity for staying relevant as municipal budgets are slashed and e-books are on the rise.
When one of my dear friend who is an engineer by profession, asked my "hey ajit..what is library yaar..Just books,,magazines.. hmnnn??
I said.. "Libraries are the birth place of popping ideas". Further I added, Earlier libraries were about "finding" the information and now its "creating" the information.
Although we have moved from content to context our goal is the same as that of traditional libraries: To help patrons access information. We all know the technology is taking the libraries to its extend and our information scientist/ specialist are moving to adopt with this change from the four walls of the libraries to libraries in pocket (mobile technology). We can see this change even in the syllabus of various department libraries of Indian Universities
Few libraries nowadays have breaking news highlighters and e-newspaper reader scroll tabs to attract users as we all know that this new generation users are reluctant and wanted everything in one-click of the mouse.
When i joined my this inst were I am working now, I was stunned to see that no one comes to library..Some ten years back, this library was living..was packed with users and now you wont believe that hardly 20- 25 users used to visit our library per day.... One day, I have a chat with few of my scientist(s) working here and they suggested to put a coffee area where at least they/ users will come to have a sip and we can get some extra users inside the library. Yes, this is all about marketing of one's library. So many ppl suggested for book reviews, or some extension service bla bla blah...!
I come to my subject...."Are we still thinking to popping out of the libraries"??? or happy with what we have now..!
- Ajit P.