Dear All,
A discussion on Librarian's eligibility for MRP is going on, here i would like to draw your attention towards the UGC Revised Guidelines for Study Leave published recently at
Para 3 is as follows:
Study leave may be granted to entry-level appointees as Assistant professor /
Assistant Librarian/Assistant Director of Physical Education and Sports/College DPE&S
(other than an Associate Professor or Professor of a University/College/lnstitution, who is
otherwise eligible for sabbatical leave) after a minimum of three years of continuous service,
to pursue a special line of study or research directly related to his / her work in the
University/College/lnstitution or to make a special study of the various aspects of university
organization and methods of education giving full plan of work
Here the word College DPE&S exists but the word College Librarian is not included intentionally.