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As we Librarians, maintain data in a system, in this contemporary world, Is it necessary for us to have a manual register. A crash may happen to a Physical register as well a soft copy. Once, when we have a backup of our records as a soft copy, it could be procured at any time. So, I need validation, whether inspection team, still expects this manual record. If so ,, Is there any valid motives behind it.
manual register is always necessary.
Dear Vasumathi Ma'am,
There is no problem to leave a system, if it is not purposeful, irrelevant. Same here, the practice of manual register can be stopped, if it is not purposeful. Now, a day almost, library software, have features to provide the reports equally as accession register. But, in practice if you have following thing, you can stopped using the existing system such as:
100% efficient system.
Automatic backup system
Audit officer is quite satisfied by the report which you have in soft copies.
Efficient staff with suitable knowledge of system.
Is your system is fully digital system including administration, accounts... etc.
more or less the most important, are you satisfied?
if you have positive answer of above, you may migrate...
Thanking You...
As per my opinion no need to maintain Manual register if the Library is Automated. all software's will generate accession register i have seen many Libraries is maintaining that system generated accession register after entering data in software they will take printout of accession reg and maintaining in file that is also time saving job. But the thing is most of the professionals and managements are struggling to come out from Manual register they are fully depended on that.
Thanks for your supportive reply Mr. Munesh Kumar and Mr, Manjunath… It was really a very big question mark, and fuzzy when I happened to inquire individual librarians. There should be some reasons to proven our field … ,which is reliable. Simply worsening our time in this advanced (well-equipped) situation makes no sense I felt. The Librarians who are still using manual stock inspite of their support of advanced Library system should come out of their shell. Cause, of their handicapped behavior it should not be mandatory policy which affects the smart users.
Note: My comment is not to sore others. Its my humble request to be resourceful and give our time for productive work.
it is necessary because NAAC committee see this register
Manual entry register is always mandatory. If the software gets corrupted, or your server gets corrupt and back up also not working means what will you do?
Moreover private institutes never agree for soft copy alone
It is comical, Software will get Corrupt, Backup will not work. But How come a manual register will not get any harm?? Will it not get lost or will it not be misused by tearing it.....
Dear Ms. Vasumathi,
I agree with the comments by dear munesh and manjunath. We have a collection of more than 30 thousand now and as you are well aware that the external audit team will visit your inst. once in 3 years. and to my surprise the audit team were alloted an AC Room in the inst. where they were just making a call at library extensions and asking to bring the hardcopies/ all files related to audit paras.
So, in my opinion you must have a manual register too.
Ajit P.
Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta
Respected Ms. Vasumathi,
In Ancient Period of Systems some few of the Librarian have been following manual Register. Digitalized and Automated Library there is no essential for the manual Acession Register. bid of Corrupt the system it will be recovered automatically and back up help for save the details. I have an one question if Manual Register may be damaged physically and misplaced or destroy of any incident. but Automation you can retrieve any where and every where. Now a days librarian have faced major problem is more number of collection and E-Book, periodicals, journals, if maintain manual register, entry of documents are difficulty in time duration. trend has been changed leave old system and take new technology to serve smart and efficiently.
Dear Ms. Vasumathi,
you have posted very interesting topic so thanks for it &
I agree with your comments but I have one small query
does your library software or soft copy accession register have a remarks option/column
can you write remarks in column if user lossed book & price deposited in account section or can you write remarks of withdraw library books & update your soft copy Accession Register?
Madam, you also mentioned "I need validation, whether inspection team, still expects this manual record. If so ,, Is there any valid motives behind it."
I think committee members/expert team always prefer hard copy of accession register because that is there age problem menas expert member above age of 50 or above so I think personally they have no IT knowledge so they prepare...........
Thanking you
Digambar B Waghmare
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