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An Oversight Committee was constituted vide MHRD order No. F33-2/2012-TS.III dated 8th September 2015 under the Chairmanship of Dr. Ajay K. Sharma, Director, NIT Delhi and Shri Navin Soi, Retired Director IFD, MHRD and Shri K. N. Sharma, Retired Section Officer, DOP & T as member. Recommendations of Oversight Sight Committee for Removal of Anomalies of Non-Teaching Staff and Revised Recruitment Rules (RRs) for Non-Teaching in the NITs can be located Here.

The points that need attention are highlighted below

It is recommended that while the salary of existing incumbents may not be disturbed but at the time of next promotion they should be promoted to the next appropriate Grade Pay i.e. An Assistant Librarian in the AGP of Rs.6000/- on completion of 5 years regular service will move to GP of Rs.6600/- and new incumbents will be appointed with appropriate Grade Pays only. Suitably revised RRs have also been recommended.

Assistant Librarian at GP of Rs.5400/-: After 5 years the incumbent will automatically move to the higher Grade pay of Rs.6600/- and after 5 years of regular service in GP of Rs.6600/- will be considered for the post of Deputy Librarian with GP of Rs.7600/- and after 5 years the incumbent will automatically move to the higher Grade pay of Rs.8700/- in PB-4. 10 Years as Deputy Librarian out of which at least 5 years being spent on a post in PB-4 ~ with Grade pay of Rs.8700/-or an equivalent post will be promoted to the post of Librarian of GP of Rs.10000/-(Open Selection Post)

7th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Council of National Institutes of Technology (NITs) held under the Chairmanship of Professor (Mrs) Geetha Bali, Chairperson, Board of Governors, MANIT- Bhopal on 23rd November, 2016 in MHRD office (F.No.34-1/2015-TS.III) circulated the recommendations among all NITS and 15 days period were given to submit the comments. Minutes is Here

The Office Order No. F.33-2/2012-TS.III dated 20th December, 2017 from Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India sent the Recommendations of Oversight Sight Committee for Removal of Anomalies of Non-teaching Staff and Revised Recruitment Rules (RRs) for Non-Teaching in the NITs for Implementation to the Director of All National Institute of Technology (NITs). The Office Order can be located Here. Kindly go through page No. 8-10 and 49-54.

Points to be Noted: Changing the Grade Pay is not an issue of only downgrading the Grade Pay. Its the issue of moving the Library Staff which are otherwise treated as Academic to Non-Academic / Administrative. Most probably the MHRD putting emphasis to put the Assistant Librarian, Deputy Librarian and Librarian inline with Assistant Register, Deputy Register and Register where even UGC NET, Ph.D. are not required.

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Dear Sir,

You have correctly summarised, now other bodies and institutions(administration) will start recommending the same thing in their rows. Finally, a day whole library profession will suffer from this. If entire LIS professional join for this, then we can get what is right.

Thank you.

It's bad for all, now NITs may be tomorrow, IITs, IISERs, Universities one day all the CFTs will be grabbed slowly. Actions and reaction needed from all the professional irrespective of in effect or out of effect.

I am surprise to see only a few comments on this very impotant issue. In India this is the problem, people in general used to think, okies, this is not related to us, so why bother and when it will be related to them, others will think, why we should bother.

Sir, People are not thinking that it is against to them also. It is not going to harmful only to NITs(31 exists in India). Slowly degrading policy will be implemented for all the institutions. 

It is indeed a very bad news to all the LIS professionals. Looks like the so called autonomous institutions like IITs, IIMs, NITs under MHRD are ignoring the rules of UGC / AICTE by downgrading/degrading the position of library officers to suit their whims and fancies. In the absence of an apex body like the "Indian library science Council" for our profession similar to the Indian Medical Council for doctors, such violations are happening. It is ironical that even after 10 years after NKC recommendations, we are yet to establish such a body at the national level to streamline and standardize LIS education and services. I do not understand what our library professional associations like ILA and other are doing on such matters. It is unfortunate that our own senior professionals who sit on such committees are not objecting or raise an alarm when such degrading happens. I think it is high time that all the LIS forums should submit an online petition to the Government of India to reverse this bad trend. Let us hope this matter gets utmost priority for all of us.

Dr. M. Koteswara Rao

Retd. Librarian, UoH     

Sir, I request you to kindly guide us regarding this. I am not in favour of waiting for someone to act. Lets take it into our shoulders. I am sure we can collect the digital signature of arround 8000 LIS professionals from India within a month.

I am ready for all the activities for the growth of LIS and Education System in India.
This time, NIT next time may be in others; IITs, Universities, IIMs, AIMSs. Entire LISLinks members are requested to step forward. We(LISLinks) are the huge in numbers and will be adequate in representation because, here all, University, IITs, NITs IIMs, AIMS, are there. This is the right platform at the right time we can do right for all forever. 

Dear Sir,

I strongly agree your points. In the recent past, our own senior professional degrading the Library profession. In the Scrutiny Committee panel or interview panel, these Professors are arguing that the professional working in the non-academic institution's with the scale of pay 15600-31900 GP 5400 is not equal to Assistant Librarian with (15600-31900 GP 6000). As per the UGC notification No.F.3-1/2009 dated 28 June, 2010, page number 57 point number 10.1. (a) & (b) clearly indicate that, the professional working in the non-academic institute with same grade pay or equivalent to the pre-revised scale of pay to be considered for direct recruitment or promotion. I request all the professional strongly raise our voice against this disparity and save the profession. 


When we seek parity the same rules applied for academic staff, scientists, needs to be applicable for librarians also. Parrellel qualifications, national level notification for entry cadre, and other senior positions, parallel scale of pay, career advancement, academic grade pay, membership in academic bodies, age of retirement and many other things. But if you check in most states we ask for only status scale etc. Even in Kerala After implementation of UGC scale incumbents have been appointed in non academic posts and promoted to UGC entry level posts. UGC Salary and other benefits have been released to them for their service in non UGC posts in non academic departments. Even SSLC people got UGC Associate Professor Grade in this way. Instead of giving career advancement after fulfilling required conditions;  some states rename Assistant Librarian Posts as Deputy Librarian Posts and fix UGC pay for that to promote unqualified hands. Many funny things are happening. When UGC provided public funds it is responsible to monitor the way in which it is utilized. Law even though poorly drafted is not very satisfactory implementation is worst. UGC scheme has not contributed to quality in library systems.  About 1000 cases, demoralization of staff, corruption in granting benefits. We are ourselves digging the grave of our profession. An no senior librarian with proved record of innovation in any concerned committees.

Badluck for aspirants like me who qualified recently in NET.


Dear Kamal K Rankawat,

Still, for getting employment into Central Universities, State Universities, IITs, IISERs, IIMs and others one must have the NET qualification. 

Don't be sad, try for next. 

As a college librarian I am really scared of this news. We have got our deserved teaching status and financial parity very recently after a long term struggle. Still struggling for the solution of other anomalies and deprivations. No one has gifted us this status, How can the so called academicians suddenly take away all from us for their crazy and evil interests? UGC is very prompt in deciding the working hours as 40 hours per week and hard to get API scores but not in providing required benefits to the librarians. I strongly support Prof. Badan Barman that we should take prompt action against such decision before they degrade the entire LIS community.


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