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National Conference on "Transforming Libraries: Synergy between Accreditation, Technology and Academic Excellence" at CMS Business School, Next to Holiday Inn, Sheshadri Road, Gandhinagar, Bangalore.

May 23, 2025 at 9am to May 24, 2025 at 5pm
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Dr. U. PRAMANATHAN commented on Dr. U. PRAMANATHAN's event 'International Webinar on "Enhancing Professional Skills in the Current Era"'
Dr. U. PRAMANATHAN commented on Dr. U. PRAMANATHAN's event 'International Webinar on "Enhancing Professional Skills in the Current Era"'
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Prithvi raj posted an event

National Conference on "Transforming Libraries: Synergy between Accreditation, Technology and Academic Excellence" at CMS Business School, Next to Holiday Inn, Sheshadri Road, Gandhinagar, Bangalore.

May 23, 2025 at 9am to May 24, 2025 at 5pm
Mar 5
Dr. U. PRAMANATHAN posted events
Mar 5
Dr. U. PRAMANATHAN posted an event
Mar 4

E-Mail campaign - ILA get well soon


We should pray for Indian Library Association because ILA is suffering with Sleeping Sickness, so they can’t hear the voice and feel the pain of LIS professionals. Please forward the following matter with your best wishes to Honorable President and General Secretary of ILA. Every member of LISLINK should send the message so we could send our feelings to ILA.


Email:                             Secretary



Today library professionals are facing a lot of problems and our professional organisation ILA is sleeping.

A library professional faces various problems/ hurdles every day, some of them are as under:

1. Status issue at work place and society

2. Salary and stipend = MNREGA Mazadoor

3. Exploitation in private sector

4. Non teaching Cadre in school/ college and university

5. Unemployment

6. No promotion opportunities for Librarians/ Asst. Librarians in school/ college and university.

7. Condition of School and Public libraries

8. Working Condition and pay scales of Public Libraries

9. No post of librarian sanction in UP State Government senior secondary school 

10. No post of librarians in ITIs

11. Less pay bands for librarians in Engineering College and Polytechnic colleges (AICTE norms)

12. Library act/ Legislation is still pending in more than one dozen states

13. Implication of Library act/ Legislation in various states.

14. Our salary is 900 to 2,500 per month, but our expenditure on education is Rs. 22,000/=.

15. Librarian Vacancy published by Haryana Government but qualifications MCA and BE.


There may be various similar issues but                                                                                         

No representation by ILA to Government or Authorities.

Please post your comments and simultaneously forward the message to ILA through email. 

Dr. N K Pachauri

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Dr. Pachauri

 Good points. All points should go to president and Secretary of ILA.


R. K. Sinha

Please forward the massage to ILA

Yes sir I strongly support you.

Yes sir I strongly support you

Have you forwarded this message to authorities of ILA?

I have forwarded this message to authorities of ILA

Sure no doubt 

this is the same situations in Kerala state

Yes sir take active participation in the mission.

Please forward the same to President Kerala library association

I have already send  these points more than five times to ILA authorities. 


Re-designation of the post Librarian is also a big issue, if we get the Lecturer and TGT/PGT designation in the college and schoool respectively, so it will be a milestone for the community. We can consider as the teaching staff if we get the new designations. . 

I have forward the e-mail to ILA President and Secretary.

I am always with you, keep it up..................


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