Dear Professionals,
It is a disgusting reality that some library science teachers and senior librarians are against high profile ambitions of librarianship profession. These teachers and seniors who come into various committees by virtue of their position often make adverse remarks against librarians demand for academic status or designation change or higher pay scales. This hostile group within the library profession often make more damage to the profession than other members in the committee. Instead of convining other members about the signifificance of knowledge that librarians facilitate this vested group often tarnish the image of librarians. If they are in the grading committee they recommend downgrading the posts not upgrading it !!! There is good example in Kerala. If Government or Court asks them their opinion about conferring academic status to librarians they will object.It is pity. What to say about them? You can not find such people in any other profession who undermine their own image.
In our onward march to status and glory the main obstacle is this nasty group. Beware of them and handle them.
We should be vigilant about such persons appearing in committees. We must take all our efforts to remove them from committees before they make adverse comments. We should offer no stage to these persons or should not share any stage with them.
They should be isolated and exposed.
Many library professionals in Kerala and outside expressed to me personally about similar cases of hostility. You can also comment.
I seek pardon from many luminaries in the profession who always stand with librarians for their cause.