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How Can UGC Have different eligibility criteria for passing NET Exam ?

Dear friends 

I want to discus on UGC 's  policy which against our constitutional right-  right to equality  (article 14 )

I think there is no exam in India or world  have different passing level for category wise  like UGC Net , than

How Can UGC Have different eligibility criteria for passing NET Exam

1) How can they justify person of SC, ST Teacher with 55% is good teacher can become good teacher, can give more knowledge to students , then students who have scored 60 to 65 % , I am from Open category scored 64% and my name is not there in list but  person of SC category with 55% name is there in list ....and OBC  category 60 % name is there in list ....

         As per Ugc Notification at entry level  OBC And  General  category both have same eligibility criteria 55 % in   PG exam but at ugc result   it different  OBC student want 60%  and   General student have to get     65% . I ask to all of you dear friends where is our constitutional right  right to equality go ?  an it is done by a    government body like UGC ?

2) Passing marks must be same for all , no body is entering into constitutional right of SC/ST as roster is there for  50% reservation in employment.   But  All the exam have same passing level

3) UGC must not play with future of student whom this teachers will teach ...Instead UGC Must take care to  make them skilled and eligible to get same passing marks. just  imagine if there is same provision in  medical college  than what ? at entry level  SC ST and OBC  student have less % but at the passing level all are same. Than why Ugc play with teacher's future

4) If this will be criteria ..for future exams there will be 100% marks to be scored for open to pass OBC 50% SC/ST Just have to appear in exam .

5) Why only 0.5% Open category result For NET exam what I am hearing .

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So!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad you are not in net qualified list means means you are a defeated person

I am a winner, winner always winner 

but don't mind i am participated in your sorrow 

I think you have Quality, Knowledge, academic qualification to become Chairman of UGC 

so try to first become Chairman of UGC 

than your questions, problems will be solved automatically ..........ok

if you think you quality , knowledge to become PM of India than you should try ,,,,,,,,,,ok

All the best for your future UGC chairman as well as PM of India life

Thanks & Regards

Prof. Digambar B Waghmare 

M.A.M.Lib. M.Phil. NET, Ph.D (pursing)

Thanks Mr.Hitendrasinh to insult not only Mr.Waghmare but also to your own brothers and sisters who has born  with PH and VI. Because they are also getting sweet taste of reservation.

Hey pagal Hitendrasinh Trikamsinh Desai
really you need to admitted in the mental hosptial
for your kind information
i have no need to passed NET Exam
I am not fresher
I am doing Ph. D so there is no need to passed net exam to ne
I am working in well known college
on 6th pay scale with huge increment
I would like to say you I am proud of my caste I am SC
one more thinking keep in mind if you write anything directly related our caste than I will show whom am I & What will I do?

Thanks & Regards
Prof Digambar B Waghmare
(M.A.M.lib. Isc. M.Phil.NET Ph.D (Pursing)

I understand your anger for  not to be passed net exam with 65%

I never never write anything directly against any caste .I have no problem If any Reserved student get fever in admission special  cota for job etc . my only problem is that  passing marks should be equal for all . In anger you may say anything for me but reality is that i got more marks than you but  fail because of UGC Have different eligibility criteria for passing NET Exam . I am not pagal but become pagal  because of  this UGC's  policy . If you have no need to passed NET Exam than why are you applying  for  NET  Exam .

HItendrasinh Desai


Yes I agree with you sir

hello friends,

why the indian constitutin said

all indians are equal

desai is right.

but this is not the place to fight

I don't want to fight with any one but i put fact on this place

this is not right place for such topic

hello friends

i also agree with you but this is not place to fight

Sir, it is a competitive examination. it is not as like as any academic examination.In BA/BSC/BCOM/MA/MSC/MCOM/BLIS/MLIS is there any marks reduction for RESERVE CATEGORY???????????. I think you thought that UGC NET is alike those exams. Your perception may have little difference.

Vikram Jadhav
I know your quality you just typed Yes I agree with you
try to write at least one line in english
do not show yu quality to all LIS Members


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