1.Bibliophile Means "book Lover"
2.EPISTEMOLOGY Means Theory of Knowledge
3.International Patent Classification is a- Name of Patent
4.CYBERNATICS Means -Study of Control
5.HISTOGRAPHY Means- Art of Writing History
6.What was Foot Note Called in the Earliest time - Scholia
7.To Know the Name Of Vice-Canceller of karanchi University -The world of Learning
8.University Bibliographic control is a Programme of FID
9.A Postulate is - A self evident statement about Possibility of thing
10.The title occurring in tow or more language on title page is Known as- Polyglot Title
11.The name Given Ranganathan for work relating to reservation of book in Issue/return section - Bespeaking work
12.The Term "grace weeks " is used in - Periodical Section
13.Incunabula Means- The Book Printed before 1501 A.D.
14.Who is Known as "Biblioclast"- A Destroyer of Book
15.What is an Exhausted Edition - An edition has become out of Print
16.Diazo Process is used for making copies of - Micro Document
17.Size to Size Reproduction of Documents called -Fasimile
18.Redundancy of Publication means - Unnecessary and should be eliminated
19.Larges Gazetter of the world- The time Index
20.Which Source to answer the qustation "Recent articles on Ethnic Problem in ShreLanka -Sociological Abstract
21.A subject of small extension and great intention is called- Micro Subject