Dear all
I found some wrong Q in paper-II Q. No 28, 34 & 40. correct option are not available option.
Q.No. 28 - Arrange the following according to their year of first publication
(i) Bliss Classification
(ii) Dewey Decimal Classification
(iii) Library of Congress Classification
(iv) Universal Decimal Classification
Options :
(A) (i),(ii),(iii),(iv)
(B) (i),(iii),(ii),(iv)
(C) (iii),(i),(iv),(ii)
(D) (ii),(iv),(i),(iii)
Right Answer : (ii)-1876 ,(iii)-1904,(iv)-105,(i)-1935 not available above
Q. No. 40 Match the following
List - I List - II
a. Theory of Motivation - (i) Factors of Planning
b.Unity of Command - (ii) Efficiency and waste prevention
c. MBO - (iii) Maslow
d. Forcasting - (iv) Peter Drucker
Options :
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) iv i ii iii
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) iii iv i ii
Right Answer : a b c d
iii ii iv i not available above
Q.No. 34 - Arrange the following in order of their year of establishment:
(i) INIS
(ii) AGRIS
Codes :
(A) (iii),(i),(iv),(ii)
(B) (ii),(iv),(i),(iii)
(C) (iv),(iii),(ii),(i)
(D) (i),(ii),(iv),(iii)
According to my knowledge
(i) INIS -1970
(ii) AGRIS-1975
(iii) MEDLARS-1880
(iv) UNESCO-1946
Right Answer : (iii)-1880,(iv)-1946,(i)-1970,(ii)-1975 not available above
Pl. e-mail this q to UGC
Ravi AJagekar