Good News from Indore Library Association, Indore.
Association has decided to restart the publication "PUSTKALAYA SANDESH" (ISSN 0033-4707), which was started in 1968 and due to some unavoidable circumstances it was stopped in mid eighties.
We want to restart its publication, though all friends are requested to please contribute their papers in this research periodical and oblige us to make it more presentable with wider coverage.
ALL friends are kindly requested to please contribute your valuable papers in Hindi/English, and paper should be prepared in Chicago Style.
Paper will be published in this periodical after the decision of editorial board.
A nominal fee will be charged on account of annual membership of the journal.
Dr. K. John,
Assistant Professor (Library & Information Science)
OSD, Additional Director, Higher Education,
Indore Division, Indore (MP) INDIA