Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU) AMARKANTAK, (Madhya Pradesh) has shortlisted 169 candidates for interview for the 3 posts of Assistant Librarians in the pay band of PB3+AGP 6000/- to be held on 21-22 June 2016.
Some questions came in my mind which I would like to share with all of you.
- Is it possible to select the best suitable among 169 candidates only on the basis of Interview?
- Is there any policy/rule that how many candidates should be called for interview against one post? Generally, it is 8-10 candidates against one post.
In last few years, trend has been started to call any number of candidates against one post and this is happening mostly in academic institutions and central universities. It seems that obvious motto is to select the favourable candidate on the basis of interview only.