In a recent Librarians Day Celebration by Dept. of Public Libraries, Karnatka awarded 5 eminent LIS professionals as “Best Librarians”.
Due respect to all the awardees, I would like to raise few questions:
- Librarians and LIS Teachers are equal?
- LIS teachers are additionally handling Libraries, but is there any example of Librarian running the LIS Department after LIS teacher got retired?
- Any Assistant Librarian, is allowed to apply for Associate Professorship in LIS?
- Does IATLIS ever awarded “Best Teacher” to any practicing Librarian, but as per my knowledge ILA has awarded as many LIS Teachers as Librarians.
Now coming back to Best Librarian by Dept. of Public Libraries, Karnataka. Dear Sir/ Madam, please if you wanted to award teachers award them as “Best LIS Teachers”, please do not award as “Best Librarian”. Librarian is on who practices Librarianship as profession, not who teaches Library Science.
Please forgive if me, if hurts your sentiments. Still I expect your views as comments.