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Is IT people capture the field of library and information science

Now a days IT play prominent role in library and information science. we feel that so many IT people who do not have any basic degree in LIS they hold better position in LIS.what do u think

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I think in today's technological world it would be good if IT professionals take the responsibility to deliver information to their clienteles. They would have better understanding of the softwares that are used in libraries. As far as learning LIS skills is concerned it could be learn't on the job. They would be able to help users to find information on the burgeoning web far better than we LIS professionals could do.
i am agree of this statement because u see how how many library professional involve in IT Development but u can see the IT is capturing all the Library related field for technical Job to automation it dose effect on the Job and Professional and Staff requirement of the Library , like i u have an software of library automation u don't need the cataloger classifier and other person in the same way IT giving a bad impact on LIS Profession
IT people only fascilitate the functioning of the LIS Professionals, the in depth knowledge the LIS professional has of the Universe of subject with respect to the collection of the library cannot be equated with any other field. Hence IT people are only a means to an end.
today no doubt IT is playing a major role in all the fields. Service sector is also effected by this. LIS is a service sector. IT and LIS is a different field . It is not possible for the IT people to capture LIS but IT may always effect the LIS.
Hello everyone,
Actually i m very much agreed with Mr. vipin pandey that there is no need to IT professional to have degree of LIS but on the other side if LIS professional have IT knowledge or we can say IT degree that is very gud for getting better opportunity in this field. I must say. As per the views of Mr. Anoop bisht there is some software available from which u can do classification and cataloguing automatically. I m sorry i could not mention the name of softwares but I heard of it. We the LIS professional should learn IT field and add to their qualification also.
IT plays a major role in every sector including LIS,but i will not agree to ur view that IT people are in LIS fields without qualification. It is never possible . They are a support for the best functioning.
u can see in inflibnet most of the scientist do not have lis degree
but sir they connected to library network. I m saying no IT professional can get job in libraries but can a part of Library network no doubts. I told earlier than IT cover every area of library and one must be basic knowledhge of LIS. But in INFLIBNET there is no need to having lIS Knowledge becoz that z a network of Libraries which z totally belong to IT. I can give u a example when i was working in IHE library there I hired a private software for library But that firm z totaly belongs to IT and made a lib. soft. for us (House keeping operations) n all. They also doing job there and not having any LIS degree they just familiar to LIS functions
As i told Anoop sir i couldn't able to tell u the name of softwares i also don't
no but want to know also. But I heard to those softwares. I am also not sure
that those software can do minute classification becoz every day information
growing n how can it possible to take it easy. Even if we think DDC shedule
also has been change time to time. Then what to say

Sarita ji I told that LIS wth IT degree holder. I mean if i m MLIS with having computer course or networking degree can get better option in this new ICT era of Information.
Exactly i m saying. there is included IT study in MLIS also if u look at the sylabus
Sory to say but I don't think so that there is any obtion to IT professional to get library jobs without any lIS degree. If u saying than I hope u know some people around u.


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