Hi!! I am looking for the following translations of Elfriede Jelineks works into hindi and malayalam... please reply asap...
Translated into hindi..
1) Die Klavierspielerin (1983)
Piano Teacher: Trns. by Amrit Mehta, New Delhi: Vani Prakashan 2009
2) Lust(1989)
Masa: trns. by Amrit Mehta, New Delhi: Prakashan Sansthan 2008.
3) Paula(1974)
Main Aurat: trans. by Amrit Mehta,Saar Sansar, Oct 1998, 5-12.
Translated into Malayalam...
1) Die Liebhaberinnen(1975)
Pennungal Pranayinikal: trans. by C.C.Thomas, Kotayam:DC Books, 2007.
2) Die Ausgesperrten(1980)
Vismayakalangal Vichitrakalangal: trans. by Jolly Varghese, Kotayam: DC Books, 2006.
3) Die Klavierspielerin (1983)
Piano Teacher:trans. by Jolly Varghese, Kotayam: DC Books, 2006.
4) Lust(1989)
Lust :trans. by Jolly Varghese, Kotayam: DC Books, 2007