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I wanted to know about mnemonic device in lis.

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Mnemonic device, any learning technique used for memorizing or keep in mind any thing for long term may be called Mnemonic device.

May be this technique you have also used in your college life. I always used this technique for remembering long answers, I had been taken just first word of all headings of long ans, and a made a meaningful sentence of same, in this I was remain able to write full answers.


Suppose for remembering order of planets: Milky Way Galaxy order of planets (from first to last):

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizza. it is very easy to remember order of planets.

  1. My (Mercury)
  2. Very (Venus)
  3. Educated (Earth)
  4. Mother (Mars)
  5. Just (Jupiter)
  6. Served (Saturn)
  7. Us (Uranus)
  8. Nine (Neptune)
  9. Pizza pies (Pluto)



I hope, now you can understand Mnemonic device.



In library classification, the mnemonics means the power of adding the memory that means some of its notational symbols have more or less the same significance through out the classification schedule. Colon classification scheme is best example of mnemonics. Dr. Ranganathan has used four types of mnemonics in colon classification.

(a)    verbal mnemonics

(b)   schedule mnemonics

(c)    seminal mnemonics

(d)   systematic mnemonics

Verbal mnemonics   is the letter for notational symbol for a class and subclass. So the verbal mnemonics   consist in representing a class by first or more letter generally maximum three letters  in the name. First letter should be English capital and after may be small but only alphabet are used. For example

(According to Colon Classification 6.0)

      Basmati  Rice                     J381 B

      Begmi     Rice                     J381 Be

Scheduled mnemonics   can be defined a systemic list of   divisions, tables or parts  of  schedules.  According to Dr. Ranganathan , “a scheme of classification should include a preliminary set of schedules of  isolate likely to occur in any array of some order or other of all or several classes or it should refer any recurrent sets of isolates to the one schedule of them  given in connection with an appropriate basic class”.

 Scheduled mnemonics consists following devices

(1)   Common isolate Device

(2)   Geographical Device

(3)   Chronological Device

(4)   Subject Device

(5)   Facet Device

(6)   Phase Device



    Encyclopedia of social science      SZk

    Flora of India                                 I:12.44

    Fauna of India                                K:12.44

    Anatomy of neck                           L17:2

    Anatomy of eye                             L184:2

Seminal mnemonics  means  specified digit   should be seminally   equivalent to entire schedule that means the same concepts is represented by the  same  term and also same number in entire schedule, if any conflict occurs, then we simply say that particular classification schedule ignore this concept. In colon classification entire schedule divide into seminal mnemonics such as

Number                           Meaning

  1. Fundamentals, preliminary, persons
  2. Structure, parts, forms, constitute
  3. Function, syntax, method analysis
  4. Fault, disease, pathology
  5. Liquid, blood, environment
  6. Money, finance, evolution, movement
  7. Personality, composition, growth, produce
  8. Management, organization


   Systematic mnemonics represent the sequence of isolate in array  that means the   schedule arrange according to some rules such as later-in-time, arrangement of isolates according any principles.  Colon classification gives well defined systematic mnemonics such as in Medicine Main Class(L) the class number arranged according to human body structure from upper parts  to lower. Space schedule arranged according  to most nearest to far distance. Similarly we can also examine the main class Psychology(S), the personality facet [p] are arranged according to growth such as  new born, toddler, boy, middle age and old age.




I hope  you   understand  mnemonics device, for more clarification you can contact   me at


Md Gulnawaz Azam





Dear Gulnawaz ji,

MASHA ALLAH, very nice explanation.




your welcome sir

thank god,sir liked somebody answer

i will try


very nice Explanation of mnemonics device

thank you


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