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Model Recruitment Rules for Library Discipline Framed by Govt. of India and Its Applicability in College Service Commission, West Bengal

Whether Model Recruitment Rules for Library Discipline framed by Govt. of India, (Office Memorandum No. AB-14017/54/2005-Estt (RR) dated 28.03.2013) is applicable to College Service Commission, West Bengal?

As per the said rule, Upper Age limit for direct recruitment of Library and Information Officer is 40 years. But in college service commission, the upper age limit for librarian is 37 years.

Whether on basis of that, we can request College Service Commission to review and increase the upper age limit for Librarian from 37 to 40 years  and provide us the opportunity to apply?

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 is it possible? any body see and supporting reply.

Dear Sri Surojit Sanyal,

Thanks for your post. However, I have just three queries.

First: whether, the Pay Scales of both the posts are same? (As I understand, the GP of College Librarians are more than Librarians under Central Govt. Organizations)

Second: The College Librarians are governed by UGC Rules which generally offer better Pay Scales in comparison to Central Govt. Employees. Of course the Central Govt. Staff enjoy D.A. HRA & Conveyance allowances in their uniform rates as specified in different place of work by GOI while the College Librarians enjoy different sets in different States. It has both negative & positive sides. In Class I cities, HRA is 30% for GOI staff but in states, they are rather uniform. (for instance in West Bengal Govt. Service it is uniformly 15%. As such, Central Govt. Employees in, say, rural post offices get less HRA than W.B. State Govt. Staff!!)

Third: Whether the Essential Qualifications & experience for LIO & College are same? You please go through the requisite qualifications & experience of LIOs & compare with those for College Librarians. As I understand, they do not match with those of College Librarians.

As Such, I personally believe that these two are entirely different posts by two DISTINCTLY Different types of employers and thus the comparison does not hold good at all. (A College Librarian gets higher GP than a Grade I Scale Officer of GOI!!) On the Contrary, as far as I know, the Librarians in Medical Colleges get far less salary & lower Pay Scales than their counterparts in General Colleges. I should certainly appreciate you  had you address such injustice to a section of our Co-professionals.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

Dear Sir,

can a Library information Assistant with 10 years experience are eligible for the promotion of Library Information officer post.

Dear Sir,


Thanks for your reply.

Please see Page 1, 9 and 10 of the <.pdf> attachment on  “Model Recruitment Rules” for details which is attached bellow my main post.


However, regarding your Query No. 1: According to Model Recruitment Rules LIO (Group A, Gazetted Officer) will get GP of Rs.6600/-in pay Band 3 Rs.15600-39100

But at present College Librarian is getting AGP of Rs.6000 in Pay Band of Rs.15,600-39100


Query No.2:  The said rule suggest all autonomous/statutory bodies like UGC to adopt . [Page 1, Point No.2 of the attached file]


Query No.3: E.Q. of LIO is MLIS with 5 years of Experience. D.Q.: Diploma in Computer Application and 1 year experience in computerization of Library. Age Limit: 40 Years (Direct Recruitment) [Page 9 &10 of the attached file]

E.Q. of College Librarian MLIS(with 55% of Marks) , qualified in NET/ SET. D.Q. : Experience in computerization of Library. Age Limit: 37 years (Direct Recruitment)



You will agree with me that CSC exam is going to take place after a gap of 4 years and some of the unfortunate candidates are not going to apply for the age limit though they are eligible. If any candidate satisfy both the EQ and DQ of  both LIO and College Librarian. Why one candidate be prevented from applying because of age limit, when State Government is eager to take maximum number of applicant for the posts.


When age limit for a teacher is 40 years in School Service Commission, WB, why does the age limit is 37 years for College teacher/Librarian in College Service Commission, W.B..


Yours sincerely,

Surojit Sanyal

Dear Sri Surojit Sanyal,

Thanks for your post and for expressing your views without any reservation!

Please be informed that in Central Govt. Service, the entry level GP of Grade 1 post is Rs. 5400/- while in UGC, the entry level post for Asst. Professor/Asst. University Librarian/College Librarian carry the GP of Rs. 6000/- in the Pay Band 3 of 6CPC.

The post of LIO is based on the categorization of Libraries.

Only Libraries in Category III gets the post of LIO.and a Library must earn 41-60 credit points to get this categorization. While there is no such norms under UGC. (Had it been applicable to College Libraries too, many College Libraries, especially, the new ones would have Librarians' post with just Rs. 4800 GP!!)

(You may find the detailed criteria of Categorization on the basis of D.P. Chattopadhyay Commission Report  vide OM No. 19(1)/ic/86 Dated 24.7.1990, The Committee was set up on the basis of 4th. CPC recommendation) For your information, I would like to add that though the order is more than two decades old, many organizations/Institutes funded by Central Government still did not implemented it!!

As a co-professional and probably far senior to you in age (please excuse me for writing this, but it appears from your cover photo that you are quite an young person!!) I fully  understand the anguish expressed in your post and its justifications. Really, a good number of well qualified and efficient professionals might have lost their chance of life time. But this is a bare reality of life. It also happened in Mid 80s when Central Govt. imposed embargo on new recruitment and Library professionals were the worst sufferers!! When, the embargo was partially lifted, many extremely competent people were OVER AGED by that time!!

Your anguish is even more pronounced as School Service Commission of W.B. allows applicants  of higher age . I presume that this (37 Years for Asst. Lecturers & College Librarians) might be on the basis of UGC norm & if it is so, it is applicable on All India Basis and is rather difficult to revoke by any single State. However, in case it is fixed by the W.B. Government, people can certainly approach for reconsideration. In case you are staying/working in or around Calcutta, you can very easily clarify this from the office of the Director of Higher Education at R.B. Avenue. It is just beside the Basanti Devi College near Gariahat.

Dear Sir,

I am grateful to you for sharing such detailed information with me.

As per as upper age limit is concerned, it is the respective state government who is the deciding authority. UGC never set any age limit for recruitment to Librarian or Assistant Professor. Even there is no upper age limit for NET Lectureship examination. I am enclosing latest UGC Guideline 2010 with this post for your perusal.

Before writing my post to LIS Links, I wrote a letter on 19.04.2013 to the Chairman, College Service Commission, W.B. requesting him to review the upper age limit. I don’t know whether he will respond to it or not.

Through this post, I want to share my anguish with my co-library professionals and to create a public opinion about this injustice.

I shall be most happy person if they review and raise the upper age limit. Thanks for your encouraging words.


Yours sincerely,

Surojit Sanyal


Indian Jute Industries’ Research Association

17, Taratala Road, Kolkata - 700088



Dear Sri Surojit Sanyal,

Thanks for your post.

At the very onset, I must apologize because it appears that we have deviated from the issue first raised in your post & I held myself mostly responsible for this.(It seems that the discussions became rather  personal which seems to be undesired in a forum like LIS Link!!)

The point of discussion was the issue of LIO post and the post of College Librarians and their corresponding Pay Scales and requisite qualifications & experience.

I think I have highlighted the difference adequately. Never-the-less, it seems  that certain institutional norms are mandatory for LIO post which is completely absent in the case of College Librarians. At the same time, for recruitment of College Librarians certain individual credentials are mandatory.

I believe that such variances exist because the norms are fixed by two entirely different employing agencies.

By the way, I understand that I made a mistake in referring you to a wrong address as appears from Dr. Sabuj Kumar Chaudhuri's post.Since I never worked under W.B.Government, I am not much familiar with their offices. I am extremely sorry for the mistake but I still presume that if you visit that office, you may get at least some direction.

Regarding the age related issue, I sincerely hope that you get an affirmative reply to your letter.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

Dear Mr. Roy,

Thanks for a good discussion. Office you have mentioned located beside my college ( BasantiDevi College) is of WB State council of Higher Education not of Directorate of Higher Education which is located in Bikas Bhavan, Salt lake, Kolkata.


WB State council of Higher Education

Directorate of Higher Education

Dear Dr. Chaudhuri.

Thanks for your post and for correcting me.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

Dear Sir,

          Sir I am the newly member of lislink. Thank you very much for your post. I am agree with you.

Sir I have a query about trainee. I am 30 years old. In the year 2012 I have completed BLISc and now I am the student of MLISc, 

though I have completed B.A in 2004. Now how can I get a trainee job for experience? Kindly advise me.

Dear Mr. Bhunia,

As a fresh candidate of Library & Information Science, you can apply for Trainee job provided you satisfy the age limit and qualifications required for the same. 

If the job ask for experience, you can not apply. Here experience means practical experience after attainment of BLIS or MLIS degree.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Surojit Sanyal


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