First and Largest Academic Social Network of LIS Professionals in India
I want to design a website for online classes of Library & Info. Science students but have no idea how to start with the designing procedure on the web. Kindly guide if you have any Knowledge regarding it. Reply ASAP.
use blog or jommla .wordpress and make your web if any problem contact on me i have also start online coaching for UGC NET my web blog is
Thanks for ur interest & help.
1) Do sitemap of the website first (i.e. Define total links)
2) Go for hosting service provider, you need to discuss with them which hosting plan is suitable to you. They will provide you ready templates. But you need to customize the same as per your requirement.
3) Start working!!!!
Or simply go for Blogger websites
4) Create your blooger link (i.e. URL)
5) You need to post on the blog one by one (step by step) to let understand students step by step.
6) You can also include audio-video contents in the blog.
7) Let your students will directly interact and collaborate
I hope it will help for great start.
Anant Kulkarni
Thanks for ur interest & help.
You an make use Joomla Open Source course management system for this purpose.
Thanks for ur interest & help.
best option is learn something about WordPress. It will help you to develop website. then see and observe the salient feature of as many as networks it will help you to shape a desired website. see my social network for librarians from tamilnadu to share information, chat, will help you
Thanks for ur interest & help.
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