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Need to Know Certain Official Norms: Upgradation, Promotion

I need to know certain official norms.

1. What is UPGRADATION? (govt. definition)

2. How it differs from PROMOTION

3. In Central government Service, if a person is upgraded whether the Grade Pay only will be changed or the scale too will be changed. 

For instance, if a person in the Pay Scale of Rs. 4860 - 20,200 (with GP 2800) gets UPGRADATION  to GP Rs. 4200/- WHETHER S/HE WILL Remain in the old pay scale (Rs. 4860-20200) with new GP (Rs. 4200/- ) or will be placed in the next Higher Scale (Rs. 8700 - 34800) with GP Rs. 4200/-

Please let me know with practical instances & Govt. Orders to this effect.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

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Dear Mr Ray,

In any case promotion (upgrade is not official word) the person will find way to new pay scale along with the new grade pay  generally except any special/extraordinary order pass by the concerned state.

Brother  if you want comprehensively on the issue  see Financial of your state handbook (


Manoj Kumar Pant,


Uttarakhand Judicial and Legal Academy,

Bhowali, Nainital. 

Dear Sri Manoj Kumar Pant,

Thank you so very much for your mail and the attached link.

However, what I actually need is GOI orders or OMs to this effect.

Regarding Promotion & Upgradation, these two words are being used/interpreted as two different issues. The term Promotion is interpreted as the case where the designation is  changed with revision of Pay. Never-the-less, promotion is interpreted as upward revision of Pay Scale against a Vacancy.

For instance, say, there are two posts in a particular department, in  say pay Scales     (A)  Rs. 4860 - Rs. 20,200 (with GP Rs. 2800) with designation say Research Assistant &

  (B)   Rs. 8700 - 34800 with GP Rs. 4200/- with designation say Sr. Research Assistant.

Now it is interpreted that if the post of Sr. Res. Asst. is vacant, the incumbent,  Research. Assistant will be PROMOTED to that post after completion stipulated period of Service and the incumbent will get the designation of Sr. Res. Assistant. BUT if there is no vacant post , the Res. Assistant will be UPGRADED and in that case his/her designation will remain same but s/he will get the grade Pay of 4200/- while his/her scale will remain Rs. 4860-20,200. That means no change in the corresponding Pay Scale will be made in this case.

The counter arguments are:

(a) The incumbent has been holding a particular Central Govt. Pay Scale   like Pay Scale S8 but upon upgradation, when s/he is given the basic Scale of 4860-20200 & Grade Pay, of 4200/-  the particular Scale itself is non existent. Never-the less, it seems that placing a person in a self-devised scale is void in the court of law & constitution.

(b) More importantly, there is an OM No. AB.14107/61/2008-ER (RR) dated 24.3.2009 where it is clearly mentioned in the Annexure the minimum period of service requirement for PROMOTION in the next Grade. while the confusion between Promotion & Up-Gradation has complicated the situation. In case any document is available where it is mentioned that Promotion & Up-Gradation are Synonymous in the sense that both relate to Upward REVISION of Pay  the problem can be solved instantly.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

Dear Sir

I attached herewith Maharashtra Civil Service Rules 2009 

for more information pl. search

Thanks & Regards

Digambar B Waghmare 


Dear Sir

I attached herewith  OFFICE MEMORANDUM Dated 24.03.2009 

Subject : Sixth Central Pay Commission's recommendations -
revision of pay scales - amendment of Service Rules /
Recruitment Rules &

 other related information of your query 


Thank You so very much Waghmare Saab;

I am really touched that you people are so concerned and putting all your effort to help.

Thank You once again.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

1. Upgradation means change of pay scale (now GP) without designation

2. Promotion means change of both pay scale (now GP) and designation

3. No change in Pay Band but only change in Grade Pay as per 6CPC except those persons who promote to entry level of a new pay band.

Dear Sri Arup Kumar Goswami,

Thank you very much. I feel that you are absolutely correct. As in the 6CPC, in most of pay bands there exist SMAE PAY SCALES with DIFFERENT Grade Pays. So there are often cases when just change in Grade Pay denotes promotion/up-gradation but in case the next scale has different (means higher) pay scales belonging to NEW PAY BAND.

I shall very much appreciate if you can quote any GOI OM to this effect,(Sl. No. 3 & Sl. No. 1 in your post) that will be exactly what I require.. 


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta


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