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Dear Sir/Madam,

LisLinks is a richer platform where professional meets on their similar interest. In the continuation of this statement, I would like to raise an issue related to purchase in current. 

Now online shopping has become buzz concept and a new kind of market place to sell and buying a product. I would like to know which kind policy you follow in buying items (may be) book, stationery, etc. for your Library/Organization?

If, you have bought or done the online shopping earlier for your official purpose, please share your views with points which you have followed.

Thanking You.

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For Books, its not advisable to go for online shopping as they do not offer standard and consistent discount rate.

yes sir. 

it's right, We always find the variation in prices. 


I Bought few books and standards from online shopping, to everyone surprise it was very cheap and delivery was also in less time as compared with the local vendor and my regular book vendors.

Yes you are right sir, 

as per the online seller's shipment policy they don't make much delay in supplying the order. 

in my college for architecture department we purchased some books from amazone. first we started a separate bank account for architecture department and made purchase. after purchase prepared a book requisition form and submitted for approval of the authority and on the basis of the approval a book order form prepared and again got approval from the authority and filed this records. book requisition and book order is the iso standard procedure that we follow in our institution.

it is right sir, it is very nice that you had tried to implement online buying as per your normal practice. It is good deed. Does any difference, which you found in this process from accounts side? 

Thanking You...

Dear Sri Munesh Kumar,

We often purchase foreign books from Online Bookstores like;, etc. I fully agree with Sri Apurba Jyoti Majumder's comments about standard discount (@10% as per GOC) But, we often have to compromise because of problems in supply by local Vendors. They often ask for 6 tot 8 weeks for supply, and on 7th.week as I chase up for supply and they asks for another 2-3 weeks and aften 10 or 12 weeks it often happens that they raise their hand and inform that they are unable to supply as the... (several lame & false excuses) But we in the library often face displeasure and complains from the researchers. Sometimes it so happens that it feels that we have certain 'secret interest' in ordering to local Vendors. As such, we first ask the local Vendors (in writing, of course!) whether they (a) are able to supply the books and if yes, (b) how long it will take for them to supply. Upon receipt of their formal answer, if we see that they indeed can supply by the stipulated period. We place formal order to them informing them that we may not accept supply beyond One week from the stipulated delivery time.  If we see that they are dillydallying with the order, we formally inform the person who has placed the requisition and ask for his suggestions. Informing him/her that the books are available at Online bookstores and the lowest costs are such & such ( we also attach copies of comparative prices from different online book shops) . If the person informs in writing to place the order to online bookstores, we instantly on COD (Cash On Delivery) basis. We keep copies of all the correspondences for Audit purpose and file them neatly. That's all!

I personally think that Online bookstores are quite preferable for small orders of foreign books needed on urgent basis. Never-the-less, as the price is available in advance& can be seen by all, it seems quite transparent especially for institutes where the integrity of Librarians are sort of, 'questioned'!! 

I personally believe that except a very very few 'black sheeps' in our profession, all the Librarians work with extreme honesty, dedication  & commitments and in case any individual ever dare to suspect to such attributes, it is the moral responsibility of those Librarians to  take befitting steps so that such behaviors towards Librarians stops immediately!!


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

Right Sir,

All the views are quite informative and authoritative for all those who are going to entertain the online shopping. 

Specially your views are quite to the point in periphery of library science. I like your views and faith on library professionals in your last paragraph. 

Lots of views have been given here, I would like to know that at what line professional should go for the online order? 

Thanking you...

Dear Sri Munesh Kumar,


I too, have gone through the other posts proving extremely valuable inputs. 

 i  believe that you will certainly be able to decide from the discussions that requirements vary according to the difference of collections & nature of the Libraries concerned!! For example, in my library access is given to students of postgraduate level at the minimum!! The course we conduct are M.Phil only, and besides, there are Research Scholars doing Ph.Ds. As such, our collection development Policy will certainly be different. Any way, what we do are:

A) check with local book sellors first and ask time limit for supply.In case they ask for 6 weeks or more, we ask the person wanting the books for his/her comments. This activities takes a day or two.

B) We also check prices from 3-4 online bookstores and keep the sequester formally informed about the prices.

C) If the requester wants us to order through online bookstores, we place order ONLY THROUGH CASH-ON-DELIVERY & Indian Currency.

I personally feel that the process we adopt is quite simple and practical. Besides, as we get formal approval/consent from the requester concerned, we can easily justify our actions to the audit party.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

Thank you sir

It’s nice to discuss with you on the topic. Outcomes are quite informative for us. 

I would like to extend the discussion by adding the some points observed from your views given above. Since, we are in India and we do local trade in our local currency. Now the website the issue of online purchase you have mentioned that you always prefer to buy online on the terms and conditions of COD in Indian rupees. Hence, I would like to know why not in Dollars or Euros or in any other currencies?

Thanking You...

Dear Sri Munesh Kumar,

Thanks for your post and the queries you have raised.

The points you have raised are quite justified.

However, for Govt. organizations, there are certain limitations too.  Regarding Foreign Currency issue,the COD is not possible. next is the question of advance payment and buying Foreign currencies is a rigorous process.

With often fluctuating rates, it is also quite tough to keep track of it and more importantly, it is extremely difficult to convince the Audit party. However, in case your institute is financially well off  and you have prior approval from empowered body to buy foreign Currency in bulk and deposit in an A/C with a Debit card facilities, it is excellent. But, there are certain subtle "thorns" though. Say you have bought $15,000/- and deposited in your A/C and in case the price of a book you want to buy is in Euro, you may be in complex problems. You have to calculate the exchange rates  of INR to Euro and again U.S. $ to Euro. in case it so happens that the conversion of INR to Euro is cheaper, you will certainly face objections from Audit Party. Alternatively, you have to buy $, £ &  € separately and open separate accounts. As I understand, it is rather hard to get approval for such exercise. However, in case you can talk with the audit people and place your requirement as a proposal and can get their WRITTEN ADVISE/GUIDANCE, your battle is won!!

Still, in my opinion, the safest way is to  stick to Indian Currency and COD. You will be able to sleep peacefully!!.

You need not to be worried about advance payment and complexities of debit cards, their maintenance and safe up-keeping, (because for Govt. Organizations on the basis of your pay scale, on the ground of protocol, you may be entrusted to keep the debit cards with you!! (and I am sure that it will certainly make you quite uncomfortable in due course!!)

There is another option too; There are certain bookstores abroad (in UK & USA) where you can deposit some amount in foreign currency and you can buy books through them; the cost and handling charges towards post& packaging will be deducted from your account on every purchase. But mind it that the deposited amount will not accrue any interest and this may make you a very soft target for audit objections!!

Incidentally, we had such accounts with two bookstores in London & Chicago and we have purchased lots of books from them. We did not require any permission from GOI as the accounts were opened in our name by some foreign agencies who funded some of our projects and the amount under "book grant" head were deposited to those two bookstores.

I hope that the situation will be more clear to you now.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta 

Dear Sir,

I will must care about my peace and sleep. Peace and sleeps are two part of life related with happiness in family and society in major. Yes, you are right Sir, we are simply an employee not an entrepreneur/businessman. We have very less risk bearing capacity. Even lesser than a small book seller who buy in foreign currencies and sell in rupees to whom those have 1000 times more capacity than him.

Thanks for your kind responses and experienced lecture for us. 



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