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Regarding Accessioning of Conference Proceedings & Dissertations

Dear Friends,

I want to know, what should we do with conference proceeding which we bring for our library.

Should we accessioned them? Kindly guide me about this.

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procedure is available for cataloging of conference proceedings, plz follow.



Procedures means rules for cataloging of books & conference proceedings. 

Dear Sri Devendra Singh;

Theses & Conference Proceedings are important resource and primary source of information and are some times un-put-downable in nature. Often Conference Proceedings containing full articles are published as monograph.Here is an example: Campylobacter III (Proceedings of the 3rd. International Workshop on Campylobacter infections, Ottawa, 7-10 July 1985; Ca, PHLS, ISBN-13: 978-0901144171

Theses are unique first hand research reports. Many discoveries are first reported in theses and then published in journals

 As such when libraries receive such materials, they are essential materials for accessioning to keep record of such important materials otherwise, the users will be unaware of their existence because it is often observed that they are not covered in the proverbial secondary or tertiary information sources.


Siddhartha s. Ray, Calcutta

Dear Ray Sir & Mr. Arshad,

Thanks for the reply but my question is-

 1. Should we maintain a different accession register to maintain the data of these type of resources?

2. shall we arrange them in reference section so that users can make a direct approach with this type of resources?

3. How can we catalog this type of resource?


Devendra Singh

 Dear Sri Devendra Singh,

Thanks for your questions.

Well, you can certainly maintain a different Accession Register for Theses.

Just put a prefix T (denoting Thesis for convenience) that's all.

Regarding Conference Proceedings, you can record them as books. I am sure that you have several "composite books" in your collection which you might have, quite naturally(& justifiably!!) recorded into your general Accession Register.

Here as Composite Books, I am speaking of those BOOKS which are edited by some body and which contain several chapters (or articles) written by different people.

A Conference Proceedings where full paper are published are equally same.

So there is no harm in recording them in the main Accession Register.

        Regarding placement of materials, it mostly depends upon the nature and types of Libraries and the convenience of both staff and user.

However, it is always advisable to keep the theses separately and preferably in a place where you have vigilance, especially if your library is open access.

Conference Proceedings are rather subject specific and you can easily classify them like books and you may keep them in the main stack itself.

If you have OPAC, apart from the regular bibliographic descriptions, however,please  make a deliberate mention of the title of the conference and date, place etc. (I have mentioned one in my earlier post)

          Coming to the context of Cataloguing of Theses, there exist precise rules for cataloguing of Theses in AACR-II; However, as I personally feel, for all practical purposes, for theses, just mention the title, author, University, Subject year & if possible, the supervisor and Key words.  Because they include virtually all search points in around 95% cases!!

         I am providing a sample for your deliberation:

Singh, Devendra

           Impact of Theses & Conference Proceedings as research resources: a            case study.  (A thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Library & Information Science, Ahmedabad, Sardar Patel University 199... under Prof. R.N. Rawal).

           167p. 28.00 cm, Charts, Tables. HB.

I hope I could explain the issue


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

P.S. [ I have deliberately used the name( as guide) of one of my best friend and a very enterprising colleague at NIOH, ICMR albeit senior to me in age who expired quite untimely a few years ago;  but all other (except presumably the topic) will be a reality in not too distant future as I believe]

Thank you very much for reply.......It was a valuable information for me.


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