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Dear All,
In my knowledge we have 5 main services are there in Present libraries. They are Circulation, Reference, Textbook Section, Reprography Section and Digital Library Section. I think now a day’s all libraries are providing these facilities. But present students are not satisfied with this kind of services. These are not enough to them. In present situation introducing new services and techniques is also must for us also. Because there is a huge competition in our professional field. Our job is fully service oriented. Students need new things from us to know. In our library already we introduced DELNET facility also. Are there any new services for engineering students? If any please make a reply to me.
Thank u
Narayana Murthy
Knowledge Resource Centre
Dear Sri Pakki Narayana Murthy,
Thanks for your post and analysis of the service segments of a Library. However, I feel that one item might have missed your attention. that one is "acquisition"
As I believe, unless the acquisition activities are successfully completed (like Cataloguing of materials and accessioning of the materials)the resources of the libraries can not grow.
However, in case you have referred to the library services to the perspective of users, then it is alright.
Regarding your opinion about the students' requirements, please ask for a feed back from them. What they want from the Library? Unless you know the users' requirements, it is extremely difficult to initiate any pertinent service.
Thank you for your effort.
Siddhartha S. Ray
Dear Professional Colleague,
I would like to suggest you to think of some services(revolutionary service) like Bibliotherapy services in your institution. I also would like to suggest you to go for personalizing the present services you offer.
MCA gafoor
Dear Shri. P.Narayana Murthy,
Creating a educational video repository is one way to attract students towards library services. Recently we setup a Knowledge Resource Centre in VELS University, Chennai creating a NPTEL video repository were students access more than 20,000+ NPTEL video lectures using search facility (by Title, Co-ordinator, Co-ordinating Institute, Subject Keywords etc.)
Additionally, the Knowledge Resource Centre directly links to 65K+ educational materials on the internet
940+ NPTEL Video and Web Courses (linking to 35K+ lecture materials)
6500+ IT E-Books (
700+ Free E-Books from BookBoon (
540+ Khan Academy courses (
2400+ MIT OpenCourseWare materials (
10,500+ Directory of Open Access Journals (
570+ Microsoft Virtual Academy Courses (
2000+ TED Talks Links (
670+ Spoken Tutorial Videos (
600+ EdX Online Courses (
700+ Coursera Online Courses (
200+ Harvard University Online Courses (
100+ Johns Hopkins University Online Courses (
60+ Subjects in Academic Earth (
100+ Udacity Online Courses (
and it also links to several foreign university online courses. Now, these e-resources in KRC is widely used by both students/faculty members of the University.
S. Baskar
LinuXpert Systems
Dear Mr. Murty,
As is evident from your post that you're eager to know what additional services can be provided to the students of engineering college so as to make library, a service oriented information centre, I would like to add a few of the services as mentioned under-
1. Make a list of open access journals available in the field of study of the students and make the students aware of them. They can benefit from these journals in preparing their assignments, presentations and exam purposes.
2. Make students aware of NPTEL programme and to utilize the benefits accruing from its website
3. Provide books (which are not physically present in your own library) & article providing services to the students by procuring the same on ILL from DELNET and other networking facilities
4. Maintain a local database of old university question papers, syllabi etc. so that the students may consult the same on intranet or you can e-mail the same to their e-mail IDs as & when demanded
5. Make the students aware of ETD databases like Shodhganga and others
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