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National Conference on "Transforming Libraries: Synergy between Accreditation, Technology and Academic Excellence" at CMS Business School, Next to Holiday Inn, Sheshadri Road, Gandhinagar, Bangalore.

May 23, 2025 at 9am to May 24, 2025 at 5pm
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Mar 2
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The Library and Information Centre at CHRIST, Bangalore, is organizing the Faculty Development Programme-2025 on "Advanced Practices and Emerging Technologies in New Era Libraries". at The Library and Information Centre at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore

April 9, 2025 at 8am to April 11, 2025 at 5pm
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Feb 27

Sample Stock Verification: How it should be done.

Dear professional

There are so many style of Stock Verification in the Library field. Sample Stock Verification is one of them.

1. My question is if any library done there stock verification after three years and they circulate/Issue/consulted 10 thousand books in this period. As per G F Rule- ( 5 on 1000) they can remove loss of  50 books form there stock. 

2. If Library collection above 50 000 books and they done sample stock verification. How this work done and report preparation and how the library remove there loss form the library collection.

3. How it is possible for Library know about there total loss and how they can remove from stock. 

4. Please give the answer regarding in the light of UGC, AICT, and Centre or state govt. rules. 

thanks a lot.

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We have done Physical Stock verification in 2009 and 2012

more than 2,00,000 volumes

Dear Janab L.M. Khan,

Thanks for your post and the query.
First of all I want to put before you a very old or traditional system which helps in such exercise & that is Shelf List. I presume that as a professional Librarian, you certainly know what it is. However, for the new gen people especially for those who have partial computerization of Library activities, i should mention that shelf list is a CLASSIFICATION based list of the entire Library Resources. That is the catalogue cards of ALL BOOKS (or other documents recorded in the Accession Register)arranged in a classified order. Now if you want to verify stock of say TEN Racks full of books (comprising 3527 books) in three different locations (say part of Economics, Chemistry and History) [bearing Call No. 331.5 to 338; 542 .3 to 547.25 & 940 to 954.78]
Now from the shelf list, you can easily understand the total number of books in each sets of call numbers. While doing the sample verification, you just write down the Accession No. of the books available in stack and tally it with Shelf list in case there is any difference (say in economics you have 1287 books in the given range of Call Numbers but during physical counting,you observed that there are 1283 books that means 04 short. You jot down the missing accession No. together with call No. and other details and check with issued out books or books sent for binding etc & prepare a final list. By that way, you do physical verification of other areas and compare with the Shelf list. and by that way, you will have an idea of loss of books. Say upon completing all the exercises, you found that altogether 27 books are missing out of 3527 books. Now calculate percentage and submit your report and do inquiry and all that.

I hope I could explain your query.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

Dear Sir 

I am heartily waiting for you reply. But sir this a response for maintained system so please give me your mobile no. to discuses this matter in detail.

thanks a lot.


Dear Janab L.M. Khan,

Thanks for your reply. Is it possible to contact me at sidsrayATgmailDOTcom I will be in an workshop for next few days. so it will be better if you can mail me explaining the detailed account of the issue.
Best Rwgards,

Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta


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