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Dear Sir/ Madam
Kindly explain Clipping and Bibliographic compilation user orientation / information literacy and How can we utilize the above.
Dear Kannan,
Clipping Service or Newspaper clipping is a CAS maintaining newspapers articles probably subject wise as ready reference.
Bibliographical Compilation known as Subject Bibliography, Dictionary Catalogue, Alphabetical Bibliography List etc is a compilation containing bibliographical details of books and other holdings including articles published in various scholarly academic journals which is used as ready reference by user of the library for search literature as per their needs.
User Orientation is a programme organized usually for first year students to familiar with library functions and search tools of the information available in the Library including how to use digital information and online databases.
Of course the above services are most useful for efficient dissemination of information available in library. In current days bibliographical compilations are generated through Library Housekeeping software and send to faculty members, students, researchers and other patrons through email as a part of Ready Reference Services of the Library. Clippings as arranged subject wise are scanned and softcopies are sent through email.
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