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What is the status of Sainik Schools?
Whether it comes under central govt or State govt?
Dear Friend
Sanik schools comes under central government according to me.
Did you know about pay scale revision for the sainik school librarian??
The Sainik Schools are managed by a Society which is registered under the Societies Registration Act(XXI of 1860). The Chief Executive Body of the Sainik Schools Society is a Board of Governors functioning under the Chairmanship of the Defence Minister. For exercising closer control and supervision over the affairs of Sainik Schools there is an Executive Committee under the Chairmanship of Defence Secretary. The day to day work of the Society is managed by Dir (Trg) & Hony Secy who is assisted by Inspecting Officers, Under Secretary, Sainik Schools Society and SO(Sainik School Cell). The staff for the cell is provided by the MoD. The local administration of the school is looked after by a Local Board of Administration whose Chairman is the GoC-in-C of the concerned Command where the Sainik School is located.
thank u so much
Latest advertisement by one of the sainik school mentioned that it is neither central government organisation nor state government organisation.Regarding salary they have mentioned that it will be like seventh pay commission
Can't understand sir? can u pls explain it
It means it is central government school.. Not a state govt school am i right sir???
No sir . They are quoting that it is not central government organisation and also not a state government organisation.
But for salary they are telling that it will be like 7th pay commission . That too latest advertisement . Earlier they were quoting 6th pay commission.
The main source of income for this schools is the fee paid by students. State government and central government gives some grants , which is very less and these grants are required to be used to upgrade the infrastructure.
Sir, all this is information is as per my knowledge.
But in one advertisement i saw that sainik school, Ministery of defence, govt of india they mentioned. That's why i am asking
There is no doubt that defence ministry controls the sainik schools. But main source of funding is fee paid by students.
Defence ministry controls means the staffs of the schools will comes under Central govt employees or not?
Sir Sainik Schools are autonomous bodies under the Ministry of Defence. The main source of income is the fees paid by the students. Staff salary and pension is given from the school fund. Some Grant-in-aids are given by both the central as well as the state government depending upon the MOU between the Centre and the State. Still, staff members can say that they are central government staff since these schools come under central government.
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