Dear Friends,
The Devil called Stock Verification is troubling the sleep of Librarians. But in view of the safety and dignity of the Profession, I wish to bring the following points for the kind perusal and needful action ( by each and every Library Professional and the Teachers of Library Science ) in their respective posts, capacities and abilities.
I am writing this after observing many Librarians who are suffering because of handful of Book thieves- while retiring.
SV should be done annually.But if the loss is under permissible limits, it should be written off the same year.
In case the loss is not written off the same year or within three years, the Heads of the Institutions should be held responsible, not the Librarian.
The existing norm of permissible loss 5 Books per 1000 Books consulted/Borrowed should be raised to 10 Books.
In many Institutions, only Librarians are targeted and forced to pay the losses. Why the other supporting staff are not made responsible?. If one knows for sure that only the Librarians are required to pay the losses, he may become negligent. Sometimes he may also involve in the racket, because of low morale and low salaries.
The Libraries that work for extended periods should be given special consideration; as more loss is likely.
In some institutes, either the cost or a latest edition of lost Book is accepted. But in majority of the cases, poor Librarians are made to pay the double the cost of the Books.Is it fair? Is there a documentary evidence for such punishment?. It is OK to fine the negligent user if the lost Book is a rare one. But Librarians as such, are not responsible for the loss.
Let us think, practice and spread our wings unitedly for the safe and dignified exits of Librarians.
I HUMBLY seek the opinion AND GUIDANCE of the Senior Teachers of Library Science and LIS Professionals in this regard,