Most of the college libraries subscribed the print version of one or more Open Access Journals as mentioned below. As the electronic version of the journals are available free of cost on the internet, is it really require subscribing the print version?
List of few Open Access Journals whose print versions are generally subscribed by most of the college libraries:
NISCAIR Journal (Available at )
Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IJBB)
Indian Journal of Biotechnology (IJBT)
Indian Journal of Chemical Technology (IJCT)
Indian Journal of Chemistry -Section A (IJC-A)
Indian Journal of Chemistry -Section B (IJC-B)
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (IJEB)
Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research (IJFTR)
Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics (IJPAP)
Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics (IJRSP)
Journal of Chemical Sciences
Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences
Journal of Earth System Science
Sadhana (Academy proceedings in engineering sciences)
Pramana - Journal of Physics
Journal of Biosciences
Bulletin of Materials Science
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
Journal of Genetics
Resonance - Journal of Science Education
Current Science