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Tentative Answers for UGC NET July 2016 in Library and Information Science, Paper 2

1. Who identified the eight central values of librarianship?
Ans; Michael Gorman
2. Which of the following organization declared 17th may as “World Information Society
Day”? Ans;World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
3. “Bibliographic Coupling” was first advocated by
Ans; MM Kesler
4. By which mode ‘ Management Science and Research Methodology’ are formed
5. ‘Prefix’ element of ISBN consists of ___ number of digits –
Ans; 3
6. Who defined notation as shorthand sign
7. Which of the search strategy is useful to increase recall output
8. The Right to Information Bill was enacted by the Parliament of India on
Ans;15th June 2005
9. Who was the first Director of Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation
Ans; B.P. Barua
10. In Ranganathan’s terminology ‘Latent Facet’ is a
Ans;Hidden Facet
11. Transaction Model of Communication was suggested by
Ans;Dean Barnlund
12. Research Methodology involving the construction of theory through analysis of data is known as
Ans;Grounded Theory
13. Chapter 12 of AACR-2 has changed its name in AACR-2R, 2002. Identify the changed name : Ans; Continuing Resources
14. Identify the persons who contributed to the development of TQM
Ans; a,b,c are correct
15. Identify the correct statements associated with Universal Decimal Classification Scheme
Ans; a,b are correct
16. In which of the following studies, a researcher is required to examine some specific sub population, as they change time
Ans; Cohort Study
17. Which of the following are associated with UNESCO Programme :
Ans; a, b are correct
18. Collection development Principles are given by
Ans; b, c are correct
19. Product lifecycle is helpful in
Ans; a, b, d are correct
20. PMEST in colon classification of S.R.Ranganathan is
Ans; a, d are correct
21. Information under section 2(f) of the ‘Right to Information Act, 2005’ means any
material in any form, thus include
Ans; a, b, c are correct
22. The objectives of Metadata are
Ans; a and c are correct
23. Identify the following Institutional Archives/Repositories available free
Ans; c and d are correct
24. Identify the following basic steps as advocated by William Edwards for implementing TQM:
Ans; a, b and c are correct
25. Identify the Audio File Formats for Digital Libraries
Ans; c and d are correct
26. The available options for extending Wiki vary depending on the software that runs the site Identify the correct options available to users using “Media Wiki”
Ans; a, b and c are correct
27. Deliberate Sampling is known as
Ans; a and d are correct
28. Arrange the following indexing journals according to the year of their first publication.
Ans; c, a, b and d
29. Arrange the following Dublin core elements in descending order
Ans; rights, relation, identifier, contributor
30. Identify the correct elements of AIDA model in Marketing Communication
Ans; attention, interest, desire, action
31. Arrange the following museums according to the year of their establishment.
Ans; c, b, d, a
32. Arrange the following international standards developed in the broader context of
“Information Organization” in their respective year of development.
Ans; c, b, d, a
33. III, IV, I, II
34. III, I, II, IV
35. IV, III, I, II
36. III, IV, II, I
37. III, IV, I, II
38. III, I, IV, II
39. II, IV, I, III
40. Assertion (A) : Selection of e-resources requires utmost care and caution in order to make the same user centric
Reason (R ) : Availability of seamless online products in the market coupled with
abundant internet resources at no cost made the e-resources redundant
Ans; (A) is true , but (R ) is false
41. Assertion (A) : Results from popular web search engines are usually having high recall, but an indexing database can provide high precision.
Reason (R ) : Indexing databases use controlled vocabulary which is a carefully
selected list of words and phrases which are used to tag units of information (document
or work) so that they may be more easily retrieved.
Ans;Both (A) and (R ) is true
42. Assertion (A) : Management is the efficiency in climbing the ladder of success.
Reason (R ) : Leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning towards right wall.
Ans;Both (A) and (R ) is true
43. Assertion (A) : Web 2.0 is a good set of economic, social and technological trend that collectively form the basis of the next generation of the Internet.
Reason (R ): More than just the latest technology buzzword, web 2.0 is a
trans-formative force that is propelling libraries towards a new say to offer
Ans;Both (A) and (R ) is true
44. Assertion (A) : Consortia subscriptions are not always beneficial to libraries as publishers bundle irrelevant titles to inflate the number of titles for better price during negotiations.
Reason (R ): In bundled titles, libraries have not to pay for the titles which are not core to them.
Ans;Both (A) and (R ) is true
45. Assertion (A) : Chain procedure is a systematic and almost mechanical method of
deriving subject headings.
Reason (R ): It does not always operate well only with a faceted scheme of classification.
Ans;Both (A) and (R ) is true
46. Self-links denote:
Ans;Links between source and the target of the page within the same site or domain.
47. Commercial search engines report
Ans;The number of pages with self-links
48. Self-linking and self-linked measures calculate their rates for
Ans;Number of academic institutions on the web
49. Links in domain can lead to
Ans; a and b are correct
50. Reason for counting self-citation is
Ans; Technical

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Respected Sir
Q.22 is not true ans
You cheq This links

36. The purposes of Metadata are

(i) Unique identification

(ii) Authentication of records

(iii) Shelf arrangement

(iv) Shows the collection of a library


(A) (i), (ii) are correct

(B) (ii), (iii) are correct

(C) (iii), (iv) are correct

(D) (iv), (i) are correct

Answer: (A)

thank you sir for your reply with the link

not right 3


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