After the upgrading of the salary scales of Librarians between 1947 and 1957 having Librarians with a salary scale on a par with that of gazetted officers, those Librarians did hardly any professional work, in training the staff, or in helping readers, or in teaching library science, or in writing books or papers. They just administrated the office, and signing the few letters going to higher authorities, they leave it all to their subordinates mostly telling their staff what they should do, and those Librarians too would come to the library by about noon and leave it at about 3 pm. the physical presence of a Librarian in his library became more and more rare. Unfortunately, the poison had also crept into the less than half a dozen libraries in the country.
They found ample time to move in Society and thus maintain a high "Status", the higher salary and higher status entitled the "Librarians" to go as often as possible to the higher authorities (Director, Deputy Director, Secretary, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Labour etc) to spend an hour or two for a chat or for talking Departmental Politics and ejecting some venom into their minds also against our profession.
Are Librarians "fowling the nest" ?
Share your message to those librarians.
Abilash A