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Paper III Following question's answer must be
4- D, 5- A, 17- A, 22- C, 24- D, 30- C, 41- A, 58- A, 59- C
and in paper II Ques. no. --13- A
Please send feed back to UGC
Chief Librarian
Medical College
Answer Q5(C),15(D)17(A),22(C),24(D),41(A)
paper II Q13(A)
Dear Professional please conform which answer is right.
Sl.No SUNIL TAYLOR Yadagiri UGC Ramesh
4 D, - D, -B D
5 A A -C C
17 A D C C
22- C, - A, - A A
24- D, C B D (may be)
30- C, C D D
41- A, D D D
58- A, A B B
59- C A A A
4. In 1974, Zurkowski used for the first
time which of the following term ?
(A) Digital Literacy
(B) Media Literacy UGC
(C) Computer Literacy
(D) Information Literacy
5. Inference Engine is a part of which
information system ?
(A) Management information System
(B) Decision Support System
(C) Expert System UGC
(D) Open System
17. Blair and Maron evaluation study on
retrieval effectiveness of full text
search is called
(A) SMART Retrieval Experiment
(B) MEDLARS evaluation study
(C) STAIRS project UGC
(D) Cranefield – II Project
22. A version of KWIC augmented with
author/name is called
24. State of the art report generally
(A) General Aspects
(B) Technical Aspects UGC
(C) Administrative Aspects
(D) All of the above
30. Who of the following is not the author
of any reference book ?
(A) C.M. Winchell
(B) William A Katz
(C) Louis Shores
(D) Maurice B. Line UGC
41. BIOS contains :
(i) Operating System Program
(ii) Bootstrap Program
(iii) Application System Program
(iv) Convert Character to Code
Codes :
(A) (i) and (ii) are correct
(B) (ii) and (iii) are correct
(C) (iii) and (iv) are correct
(D) (ii) and (iv) are correct UGC
58. Assertion (A) : There is need for
Library Legislation in all States
of India.
Reason (R) : To make Public
Library System independent and
without political influence.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(B) (A) is true, but (R) is false. UGC
(C) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
59. Assertion (A) : Though information
is considered as a commodity,
Libraries are not sound in
Reason (R) : All types of Libraries
have failed in promoting
information as a commodity.
Codes :
(A) (A) is true, but (R) is false. UGC
(B) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are false.
respected sir
pls tell me the right answer of Q.61 in III paper
my answer is D but UGC key C
pls tell me also answer of Q.61in paper III
4- D
15- D
58 - A
OTHERS 5, 17, 22, 24, 30, 41, AND 59 ARE CORRECT.
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