Dear all NET aspirants
If all qualify net, then all will say "I am Net qualified" as now many say "I 'm MLISc" may be from valid distance courses and be happy forever.
But remember the the theory "demand and supply"
Next time for one post of librarian, thousand will apply and then don't blame to the interviewing authority saying "all are fixed, 10 lakh paid by tom dic harry,all the interview was a drama".
If you score above the new cut off marks then fight, we will support but if you say all have to be qualified on the basis of the advt. time cut off marks, then it's disappointing.
Rather ugc should consider to discontinue the net. If all qualified no one is going to get a job. It will be snatched by interviewing authorities kith and kin.
It is high time to start LIS as pass/general combination subject in 3 yr degree courses. Start a strong movement for it.
Start writing repeatedly all the VC of your states University to start LIS in 3 yr Degree course as a pass/ General subject of 300 marks if we want to survive. The job for Lis is confined to KS/JNV and in some state's schools. In the govt. collages once a librarian join there will be no vacancy for 30 years. and consider the no of new established govt. collages? very few.
Dear all 1st utilize your energy for job creation then think about cut off marks of 50%.
Otherwise all will destroy the subject by creating lot of unemployed youth who will be unable to find a job of a library attendant with a degree of MLISc, NET, PhD in coming future.
My appeal to you all again ;
Start writing repeatedly all the VC of your states University to start LIS in 3 yr Degree course as a pass/ General subject of 300 marks if we want to survive and post the copy of that letter here.