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University of Mysore Ph.D. Answer Keys in Library and Information Science

Dear library professionals please see the University of Mysore Ph.D. entrance  Test Questions and Key answer.

Q.1 John Simpson, the chief editor of Oxford English Dictionary 3rd was replaced by

1, Paul Outlet 2.Michael Proffitt  3. Weiner .S.C 4. Frank Tomper

Q.2 Which Physical form of a Catalogue is least Flexible?

1. Sheaf form 2. computerizes 3. Card form 4. Printed form

Q.3 'National union catalogue of scientific serials in India' (NUCSSI) is the product of


Q.4 'McGraw Hill Access Science' offers

i) Biographies of well-known scientific figures

ii) Engaging videos iii)Links to citable literature iV)Access Science for Kids

1. (i) (ii) and (iii) 2. (ii) (iii) and (iv)  3. (i) and (iii) only 4. (iii) and (iv) only

Q.5 "Folksonomy" is also known as :

1. Knowledge classification

2 Social Tagging 3 Classification Schema 4. Organisation pattern

Q.6 The 'Descriptive Abstract' is also known as

1. Indicative Abstrac 2. Quantitative Abstract 3. Complete Abstract 4.Informative Abstract

Q.7 DLI-2 is

1. Focused on users and collections " 2. Focused towards future use and usability.

3. Closely related to Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence Initiat lye (KDI)

4 all the above

Q.8 Which of the following is not an Integrated Library System Packag e?

1. KOHA 2. Greenstone 3. SOUL  4. Evergreen

Q.9 In which type of research 'Hypothesis' is occasionally used?

1. Applied 2 Experimental 3. Historical 4. Observational

Q.10 Choose the correct sequence of steps in `POSPI.'

1. Analysis, Formalization, Standardization

2 Modulation, Analysis, Standardization 3. Standardization; Modulation, Analysis 

4. Analysis, Standardization, Formalization


Q.11 The meaning of Boolean expression 'A NOT B is to such a set, which has

1. Elements of A

2 Elements of B Status Chosen Option Marks

3 Elements of A which ore not elements of B

4. Elements of B which are not elements of A

Q.12 NEAR operator enhances

1. Proximity Searching 2. Range Searching is 3. Truncation Searching  4. String Searching

Q.13 `WDM' stands for

1 Wavelength-division multiplexing 2. Wavelength-depleting multiplexing

3. Wavelength-diversion multiplexing

4. None

Q.14 Assertion Reason (R): Digital Preservation needs a different pres ervation care Codes:

1. (A) is true but (R) is false 2. (A) is false but (R) is true 3. Both (A) and (R) true 4. Both (A) and (R) false

Q. 15 “Gap Device” is used in

1.CC 2. DDC 3. UDC 3. d) RIC

Q.16 'XML' was designed to

1. Describe data with focus on what data is  2. To display data with focus on how data looks

3. Both a & b. 4. None of these.

Q.17 The idea of E-book reader' was introduced by

1. William Johnson 2. Bob Brown

3. Lee Walker 4. Wright Lopez

Q18 "RDA" stands for

1 Resource Discovery Access 2 Resource Description Access 3. Resource Durability Access

4. Resource Description and Access

Q.19 Which of the following is not included in 'Fay ors Principle'?

1 Division of Work 2. Scalar Chain  3. Equity

4. Demand


Q.20 'DOI' is a

1. Alphabetic string is 2. Numeric String  3 Alphanumeric string 4 None of these

Q.21 'Common Wealth University Year Book' includes

1. One index 2. Two indices 3.Three Indices 4. Four indices

Q.22 'Times Atlas of the world' is in its

1.5thGeneration 2. 2nd Generation 3. 3rd Generation 4.4th Generation

Q.23 INFLIBNET has recently developed coOPAC' of Academic Libraries known as:

1. Shodh-khoj 2. Vidhya Sheesh 3. INDCAT 4. Bharat-khoj

Q.24 'Corporation for National Research Initiatives `(CNRI) is concerned with

1.Digital Object Architecture

2. the Handle System for assigning, managing, and resolving pe rsistent identifiers for digital objects

3. the DO Repository for enabling the creation of, and access to. digital objects as discrete data structures. 4. All the above

Q.25 'World of Learning' is a

1. Directory 2. Institution 3. Jpirnal 4. Portal

Q.26 Which is not true for PDF

1. Multiplatform 2 Accessible 3. Searchable. 4. Is not an open standard for electronic document exchange.

Q.27 The online version of Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system including all content and features from the print edition is known as

1. Online Dewey  2. Multimedia Dewey 3. Web Dewey 4. OCLC Dewey

Q.28 A Classified Catalogue' has

1. All entries are word entries.

2. Some are number and some word entries.

3, All entries are arranged by titles only

4 Entries arranged by authors and editors only,


Q.29 'Network Topologies' are categorized into the following basic types:

1. Mesh 2 Ring 3. Star 4.All the above

Q.30 EPIRE' is an acronym for

1. Environment for Prioritized Information Retrieval Evaluation

2. Environment for Precise Information Retrieval Evaluation

3. Environment for personalized Information Retrieval evaluation

4. None

Q.31 The latest IFLA/UNESCO 'Public Library Manifesto' was published in

1. 1994  2.1996  3.1998  4.2000

Q.32 'National Science library of India' is located at

1. Kolkata 2. New Delhi 3. Bangalore 4. Chennai

Q.33 Which of the following is not an indexing service?

1. CiteSeerx 2 CABI N 3 EconLit 4. Scilit

Q.34 "Canons of Mnemonics" are:

1. Alphabetical, Scheduled, Systematic, Seminal

2 Alphabetical, Scheduled, Systematic, ordered

3. Analytic; Scheduled, Systematic, Seminal tic

4. Alphabetical, Systematic, ordered, Seminal


Q.35 The book, Research Methods in Librarianship: Techniques and Int erpretation is authored by

1. Charles H Busha &  Stephen P. Harter

2 Braden Hoadley and Alice A. Clark  3, Kirsty Williamson 4, Lynn Silipigni Connaway & Ronald R Powell

Q.36 "OCLC" was founded in

1. 1967   2. 1976      3. 1968         4. 1978

Q.37 The five components that must come together to produce a' Corn puter-Based Information system'

1. Hardware, Software, Data, Procedures, People

2 Hardware, Software, Data. Procedures, IT 4n

3. Data, Procedures, IT, Finance, websites

4. Finance, Hardware, software. People, management support


Q.38 Which of the following hosts 'e-books'?

1. DOAJ 2 Project Gutenberg. 3. Wikipedia 4. All the above

Q.39 'BIOSIS Citation Index' is being offered online by

1. Thomson Reuters 2 Pub Med 3. NLM 4. None

Q.40 Pie Diagram is

1. One Dimensional Diagram

2. Two Dimensional Diagram

3. Three Dimensional Diagram

4. None of the above


Q.41 The Internet protocol suite is based on layers.

1. 4  2.7  3. 5  4.9

Q.42 Who framed the primary Objectives' of a Library Catalogue in a I ucid manner?

1. Charles Coffin Jewett

2. C.A. Cutter

3. Anthony Panizzi

4. S.R. Ranganathan


Q.43 'Library Legislation' supports

1 Public library system

2 Special Library system  

3. University Library System

4. All the above systems


Q.44 Find the odd out

1. Coefficient of Correlation

2. Variance

3. Correlation Graph

4. Scatter Diagram

Q.45 Which of the following is not a 'Chat software' for libraries?

1. Trillian 2. Gairn 3 Block 4. Adium

Q.46 A 'Com puter Based Information System' is needed because

i) The size of organization have become large and data is massive

ii) Timely decisions are to be taken based on available data

iii)Computers are available

iv)Difficult to get clerks to process data

1. (ii) and (iii) 2. (i) and (ii)  3. (i) and (iv) 4. (iii) and (iv)

Q.47 "The best reading, for the largest number, at the least cost" is

1. Melvil Dewey's principle 2. Drury's Principle 3. McColvin's Principle. 4.Ranganathan's Principle

Q.48 The Headquarters of RRRLF' is located at

1. New Delhi 2. Kolkata 3. Chennal 4. Mumbal

Q.49 The Concept of 'Rounds and Levels' was introduced in

1. Almost Faceted Classification

2. Freely Faceted Classification

3. Almost Freely Faceted Classification

4. Rigidly Faceted Classification

Q.51 'Three Card Serial Control System' developed by Ranganathan divides a year in maximum of Weeks.

1.62 2. 60 3. 65 4. 48


Q.53 'American Book Publishing Record offers access to the latest cataloging records from

1. The library of Congress

2. British library

3. OCLC4. None

4, None of the above

Q.54 ‘Universal Bibliographical Control’ (UBC) is associated with


2. ALA


4. None of the above


Q. 56 ‘Data Portal india’ (DATAGOV) is a service offered by

1. National Library India

2. National Informatics Centre




Q.57 When an idea becomes a focus of study from stand point of scholars in different subject fields, it is known as:

1. Distillation

2. Clustering

3. Lamination

4. None of the above


Q.58 ‘Z39.5’ Protocal does not help in:

1. Federating Search

2. Copy Cataloguing

3. Resource Sharing

4. Precision Search


Q.64 ‘Newark and Browne Systems’ relate to

1. Circulation Systems

2. Serials Control Systems

3. Acquisition Systems

4. None of these


Q.65 Which of the following tags is empty tag

1. <Html>  2 <Body>   3. <Hr>    4. <pre>

Q.66 Which of the following is not related to preservation programme?

1.Environmental monitoring  2. Disaster management 3. Digitization initiatives 4. Technical processing


Q.68 'CLIP' has replaced

1. LA  2. ALA  3 ILA  4. IFLA


Q.69 `IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Guidelines for Development - 2001' prescribes minimum stock level for the smallest service point should not be less than

1.2000 Books 2. 2500 Books  3. 3000 Books 4. 3500 Books

Q.70 How is "Language facet" treated in Basic Class "Literature" of Colon Classification (6th Revised

1.Personality (P1)  2. Personality (P2) 3. Matter 4 Energy

Q.74 The term ‘podcasting’ was first coined by

1. Ben Hammersley

2. Ben Wedeman

3. Benjamin McKenzie

4. None of these


Q.75 Pick the odd out






Q.76 The latest edition of 'Sears List of Subject Headings' is:

1. 19th Edition 2. 20th Edition 3. 21st Edition 4. 22nd Edition

Q.77 What type of research is the 'Discovery of 'Electricity'?

1. Basic Research 2. Applied research 3. Pure research 4. Fundamental research

Q.78 The process of creation of "set of eight digits " at the cost of digit 9 is called

1 Sector Device 2. Gap Device 3. Decimal Fraction Device 4. Octave Device

Q.79 InCites, JCR and Essential Science Indicators are services of

1. SCOPUS 2 LISTA 3. LISA 4. Web of Science

Q.81 Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. announced the cessation of the product in print format in

1.2000  2. 2009  3. 2006  4.2012

Q.82 The structural changes brought to ‘DDC 23rd edition is

1. Elimination of dual heading & of unbalanced spans

2. Elimination of dual headings & of Table 3

3. Elimination of unbalanced spans & of of mulitilevel summaries

4. None of the above


Q. 83 “LALC” in the context of library automation stands for?

1. library Automation Life Cycle

2. Library Automation Linear Cycle

3. Linear Automation for Library Cycle

4. None of These


Q.85 What is true about cross ref?

1. international DOI Foundation

2. CrossRef TDM

3. publishers International Linking Assocation

4. All the above


Q.88 Which of the following is full text database?


(ii) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

(iii) ebscohost

(IV) ethos

1. (i) (ii) and (iii) only

2. (ii) (iii) and (iv) only

3. (i) and (iii) only

4. All the above


Q.89 ‘MUSTIE’ is a model related with

1. Selection   2. Deselection  3. Both a and b  4. None of these

Q.95 Find odd out

1. Geometric Mean

2. Harmonic Mean

3. Weighted Average

4. Median

Q.100 The ‘Dynamic Theory of Library Classification’ was introduced in:

1. 1978   2. 1988   3. 1924  4. 1932 

Q NO's Ans Q NO's Ans Q NO's Ans Q NO's Ans
1 2 26 4 51 2 76 3
2 1 27 3 52 3 77 1
3 1 28 2 53 1 78 4
4 1 29 4 54 3 79 4
5 2 30 3 55 4 80 4
6 1 31 1 56 2 81 4
7 4 32 2 57 2 82 1
8 2 33 4 58 4 83 1
9 3 34 1 59 2 84 1
10 1 35 1 60 1 85 4
11 3 36 1 61 2 86 2
12 1 37 1 62 3 87 2
13 1 38 2 63 3 88 4
14 3 39 1 64 1 89 2
15 2 40 2 65 3 90 2
16 1 41 3 66 4 91 2
17 2 42 2 67 1 92 3
18 4 43 1 68 1 93 2
19 4 44 2 69 2 94 2
20 3 45 3 70 1 95 4
21 4 46 2 71 4 96 2
22 4 47 1 72 3 97 4
23 3 48 2 73 3 98 4
24 4 49 3 74 1 99 3
25 1 50 4 75 4 100 3

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Good Morning TO All LIS Professionals.

I really appreciate to all lis professinals that when they mention the questions related to interview or any concerned exam, kindly mention their answers also.

With warm regards

very nice question... kindly provide answer plz

Q NO's Ans Q NO's Ans Q NO's Ans Q NO's Ans
1 2 26 4 51 2 76 3
2 1 27 3 52 3 77 1
3 1 28 2 53 1 78 4
4 1 29 4 54 3 79 4
5 2 30 3 55 4 80 4
6 1 31 1 56 2 81 4
7 4 32 2 57 2 82 1
8 2 33 4 58 4 83 1
9 3 34 1 59 2 84 1
10 1 35 1 60 1 85 4
11 3 36 1 61 2 86 2
12 1 37 1 62 3 87 2
13 1 38 2 63 3 88 4
14 3 39 1 64 1 89 2
15 2 40 2 65 3 90 2
16 1 41 3 66 4 91 2
17 2 42 2 67 1 92 3
18 4 43 1 68 1 93 2
19 4 44 2 69 2 94 2
20 3 45 3 70 1 95 4
21 4 46 2 71 4 96 2
22 4 47 1 72 3 97 4
23 3 48 2 73 3 98 4
24 4 49 3 74 1 99 3
25 1 50 4 75 4 100 3
Q NO's Ans Q NO's Ans Q NO's Ans Q NO's Ans
1 2 26 4 51 2 76 3
2 1 27 3 52 3 77 1
3 1 28 2 53 1 78 4
4 1 29 4 54 3 79 4
5 2 30 3 55 4 80 4
6 1 31 1 56 2 81 4
7 4 32 2 57 2 82 1
8 2 33 4 58 4 83 1
9 3 34 1 59 2 84 1
10 1 35 1 60 1 85 4
11 3 36 1 61 2 86 2
12 1 37 1 62 3 87 2
13 1 38 2 63 3 88 4
14 3 39 1 64 1 89 2
15 2 40 2 65 3 90 2
16 1 41 3 66 4 91 2
17 2 42 2 67 1 92 3
18 4 43 1 68 1 93 2
19 4 44 2 69 2 94 2
20 3 45 3 70 1 95 4
21 4 46 2 71 4 96 2
22 4 47 1 72 3 97 4
23 3 48 2 73 3 98 4
24 4 49 3 74 1 99 3
25 1 50 4 75 4 100 3

some question is missing

All questions are not there.

Dear Sir,

Thanks a lots for answer :)


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