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Are Library and Information Professionals are sweepers?

In Gujarat the Library and Information Science professionals have no value. We are like peon. Our salary is 900 to 2,500 per month, but our expenditure on education is Rs. 22,000.

My friends please do something to improve the situation. We have to evolve to demonstrate what really the librarianship is.

Some strong library association should be formed.

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i read your reply. and ia m understands what u say but in Gujarat state we are sweepers. atleast in suarstra region we are peons i given a 30 interview and 2-3 collages said me 10000 where in saurstra our value of degree is 900 per month to 6000 per month where has i m saying that we have to respect our field where Lis students are compromising in salary like...Rs. 2000 per month to 4500 per month with net /slat.. which should be stopped. one and more collage said that to many LIS Professionals. which i share interviews which they given that they said the trustee and principal says that uor LIS work can do any body no need for librarian??. now u say uor comment.s plz..

sorry sir, but u have to tell others how a non professional can do tecnical work of classification, cataloguing, n shelf arrangement. they can only issue n return books. but proper mgt. of library n handling of computerised library is possible only by a professional librarian.

this is all because our old librarians are not interested in doing proper mgt. of library.

Dear Ms. Kanchan Sharma,

What you said is right. There are technical terms, we know. They do not have much interest to know about these. We know that what are the technical works done in a book and library. But the Management not ready to understand. They simply consider that librarian job is just giving and getting back of books. It can done any body who had little bit of knowledge on computer and register maintenance. For affiliation purpose only, they are seeking MLIS candidate for Librarian.  Apart from these lots of work we do. But these are not recognized.  

Of course those who in good salary and position in the Government/ few Private Institutions, they may had good respect for Library and Librarian. 

Then why can"t that trustee and that Principal couldn't take the Librarian Duties...?.  its the need of the hour to keep a Librarian representative in the inspecting wing of UGC/AICTE/Indian Nursing Council/Medical Council of India etc.........

i am not agree

I totally with you asheesh because when you working in any self finance structure or whereever  you should take care of need and aspect of the  organization.And librarian should be  always ready to help user and solve their query.

We salute for always replay and SUPOORT mlisc  student like me.

Dear Tiwari Sir,


I had difference of opinion in your view of "a faculty get a designation after many competition and degree, but some librrian got their job only after one year correspondence course"

What you said is right. Because the correspondent student may come to work for lower salary level also. And also the affiliation bodies like AICTE and UGC also not clearly focusing on the qualification of Librarian. The Teaching faculty must have a degree from regular mode. A distance mode and open university scheme are disqualifying the faculty.

But far Librarian, they not describing clearly.

 and also according to you  "survival of fittest" rule is applicable every where, eligible librarian got good salary and respect every where"

Why all the people having to discuss on issue sir?

Sir this is my personal view. Dont Mistake Me 

where is identity we need a voice we are the historical events revilers and we are save generation to generation information saves. what about future without past every one have to take responsibly to stick on our own legs. we need a team to save our self respect 

Its time to fight against this injustice to library professionals. Govt should interfere to help those peoples working in private sector. 

u r right sir thnxs for support.


sir U r right but as a MLISC student i don't want High salary i just want only 3500 to 5500 at starting level. but If u listen when i am saying now a sentence Our degree is sold out in market. One homeopath collage purchase a man and he/she geting 10000 p.m. and doing other business. when on behalf of Librarian 18 to 15 yr's GIRLS are handling library without degree / knowledge.


this is reality. like Pharmacists. One nursing collage rajkot offering 1500 rs per month and wish MLISC + Net.

Ha ha ha.. What a Joke sir...U know we Have to come togather on one satge otherwise private Uni/collages

will drink us.

Thnxs, harshal anjaria




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