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Hi, Sir / Friends,
This is Jagadish, I have Joined in Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation on 22/06/2013 as Field Officer, scale is 9300-34800 GP 4600. its a central Government Job. Place of Job is at Mumbai.
As a Field Officer I have to Move 5 states MP, Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Rajasthan. to do inspection work. Every month 15 days I have to visit the Libraries for doing Inspection.
I have Written APPSC (Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission) for Degree College Librarian, I have 100% chances for getting job as Degree college Librarian. Pay Scale is 15600 - 39100 GP 6000. its a state Government Job and place of job is at home town State and District.
APPSC Result is going to come in this month.
Please tell me what I have to do. which job I have to select for my future life.
I will be grateful to you for your valuable suggestion to build my life fruitfully.
Thanking You Sir.
with regards
Field Officer
Western Zone
Hai Jagadish,
first of all congradiulations,
I am Saraswati Rao, from Ananda Rangapillai Library, Pondicherry University.
I want your phone number, other wise you call me. My mobile number was 9488435037.
" Same like you i got Jr.College Librarian Job in AP, but I Joined in PU Library because it's a central gov. job but now i realized that native place job was very good for our family life. After marriage we have to face so many problems, pl. go for college librarian job. By experience i telling you....
Jagadish it's better to change i think. but choice is urs.
you should always look forward in your higher growth. be a librarian and render your service.
Family always comes first. We do all this for family.
If you will stabel, your family will be. Choose your native,
I am in central govt. job and i miss my family all the time. I can not move when they need for me. If you have opportunity, don,t think about your graduity, pf,whatever..........
All the best
Hai Jagadish,
congradiulations,join for Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation
I am Brajesh Dhanger as a Librarian Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy, Indore (M.P.).
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