Dear Professionals,
While publishing the answer key of UGC-NET December, 2014 for the subject (Library and Information Science Subject Code 59) hope you all have noticed the below question which is confusing.
Question no 2 in Paper 2
2) When the last print version of Encyclopaedia Britannica was published ?
Question no 5 in Paper 3
5) From which year the Encyclopaedia Britannica ceased its print version ?
If the subject expert know that the answer for Qno: 5, is 2012 option D (when the Encyclopaedia Britannica ceased its print version, then it is clear to know the answer for when the last print version of Encyclopaedia Britannica was published)
But the answer given by subject expert for Qno:2, in paper 2 is 2012 option is D (Wrong)
Now what they require is one's hard-earned money Rs 5,000 (as grievances fee) and the CBSE given format for submitting the grievances relating to answer key, looking after those answer key claimed by them and as per standard books/literature, brief description From page No. __ to Page No. ___ wasting our time for their (Subject Expert's) mistake.
Here the question is framed by subject expert in his/her mind, then how one can find the same in other source.
For CBSE and Subject Expert's “Stop Making Sarcastic Answer Keys”
Dear Professionals,
Pls find below mail copy with correct responses direct from Encylopaedia Britannica, Inc UK Ltd.
Thank You!
yours sincerely
Abilash A.