Why this Law is essential for library professionals:
"Your Suggestions and support are great to me for progress"
"If you are relay in favor of 6th Law please give your great ideas and any information for forming the draft of this law because I wanted to include community views and ideas for strong origin of this law then it will be send for approval to govt. bodies and library dignitaries." and further talk to my Seniors.
some pints are here for your consideration and ideas:
Why this Law is essential for library professionals:
Many number of reasons are demanding for this Law "Every Library professional his/her right salary".
1.Effecting library smooth functioning: Without proper salary system a good library never will run smoothly because as per library science three main elements are essential for the smooth function of library are books, users, and staff, if library has good collection of books and good quality of users but staff of library has no proper salaries and he did not know the scale of government then It is essential to make study about then it is possible, a library can run internal working smoothly therefore it is essential for the professional to study and it will act as 6th law of library science and should be included in library science syllabus.
2. Professionals Confidence level decreasing: In the age of dynamic development every one going to making achievement day by day and our professionals only struggle for his self development, then how they can increase of library progress and facing guilty of his her life therefore it is very necessary for increasing confidence level of library professional for making right salary system.
3.Library Professionals exploitation: Many councils and education bodies like AICTE,NCTE,MCI,DCI,UGC,NCTE,NCERT etc. are making different level inspection as per norms of Government and inspecting libraries and they always ask about library functions but never ask about salary scales of staff therefore how system of library will work properly where professionals exploitation being done by poor inspections.
4. Negligence of various commission and councils:
5. Government and private sector salary difference:
6. Poor inspections and documentation:
7. Control on distance education system is essential: unlimited non-qualified getting library degrees without any barrier.
8. Jobs satisfaction and health fitness:
9. Need of Library professionalism:
10. To maintain standard of library
11. Demand of information technology and library development:
12. Low salary and increasing users demand in library:
Five law of library science are incomplete without 6th law.
1. Books are for use (Particularly meant for better use of library)
The first law constitutes the basis for the library services. Ranganathan observed that books were often chained to prevent their removal and that the emphasis was on storage and preservation rather than use. He did not reject the notion that preservation and storage were important, but he asserted that the purpose of such activities was to promote the use of them. Without the use of materials, there is little value in the item. By emphasizing use, Ranganathan refocused the attention of the field to access-related issues, such as the library's location, loan policies, hours and days of operation, as well as such mundanities as library furniture and the quality of staffing
2. Every reader his/ her book
This law suggests that every member of the community should be able to obtain materials needed. Ranganathan felt that all individuals from all social environments were entitled to library service, and that the basis of library use was education, to which all were entitled. These entitlements were not without some important obligations for both libraries/librarians and library patrons. Librarians should have excellent first-hand knowledge of the people to be served. Collections should meet the special interests of the community, and libraries should promote and advertise their services extensively to attract a wide range of users.
3. Every book and its reader
This principle is closely related to the second law but it focuses on the item itself, suggesting that each item in a library has an individual or individuals who would find that item useful. Ranganathan argued that the library could devise many methods to ensure that each item finds it appropriate reader. One method involved the basic rules for access to the collection, most notably the need for open shelving.
4. Save the time of reader.
This law is recognition that part of the excellence of library service is its ability to meet the needs of the library user efficiently. To this end, Ranganathan recommended the use of appropriate business methods to improve library management. He observed that centralizing the library collection in one location provided distinct advantages. He also noted that excellent staff would not only include those who possess strong reference skills, but also strong technical skills in cataloging, cross-referencing, ordering, accessioning, and the circulation of materials.
5. Library is a growing organism.
This law focused more on the need for internal change than on changes in the environment itself. He argued that library organizations must accommodate growth in staff, the physical collection, and patron use. This involved allowing for growth in the physical building, reading areas, shelving, and in space for the catalog.
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