Research Publications in Books, Journals, Conference proceedings etc. 1. Sood, Sudesh Kumar. Library services to hospital patients: a proposed model for Nehru Hospital (PGIMER), Chandigarh. A dissertation submitted to P.U Chandigarh for fulfillment of requirement of M Lib Sc 1986-87. 2. Sood, Sudesh Kumar and Gupta, Devinder Kumar. State Libraries towards modernization: A case study of State Central Library, Solan. Journal of Information Science, Chandigarh, Vol 8, No.4, Apr-June, 1998, p129-150; ISSN 0971-3360 3. Sood, Sudesh Kumar. Library services at grass root level with special reference to Himachal Pradesh. Journal of Information Science, Chandigarh, Vol 10, No.2, Oct-Dec, 1999; p 43-54; ISSN: 0971-3360 4. Sood, Sudesh Kumar. Computerization of libraries: A CDS/ISIS package. In Surendra Singh and Sonal Singh (edds). Trends in Library and Information Science, New Delhi, Gyan Publishers, 2000, p 363-379; ISBN: 81-212-0676-6 5. Sood, Sudesh Kumar. Development of Libraries in Northern Region: Himachal Pradesh. In P.B. Mangla, D.R. Kalia and Neela Jagannathan (edds). Library and Information Services in India, New Delhi, Shipra, 2001, p.21-26; ISBN 81-7541-073-6 6. Sood, Sudesh Kumar. Status of Indian Publishing: Inadequacy of Literature for users of Public Libraries, particularly Neo-literates and children. In Surendra Singh and Sonal Singh ((edds). Library Information Science and Society, ESS ESS Publishers, New Delhi, 2002, p 91-1000; ISBN: 81-7000-306-7 7. Sood, Sudesh Kumar. Digital Libraries: the process, initiatives and developmental issues in India paper presented at 2nd International Symposium on “Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services” ‘Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknghat, Distt. Solan,H.P. from 3-5 June’ 2010. In Sanjay Kataria, John Paul Anbu K and Shri Ram (edds) : Emerging Technologies and Changing Dimensions of Libraries and Information Services, New Delhi, KBD Publication, 2010, p 567-572 ; ISBN [10] 81-907999-1-1; ISBN [13] 978-81-907999-1-1 8. Sood, Sudesh Kumar & Gupta, Sudhir Kumar. Faculty Librarian partnership in information age, In Raghuvendra Tripathi, Hans Raj and Harish Tripathi (edds) : Emerging Technologies in Managing library and information services, DPS Publishing House, New Delhi, 2012, p 182-190; ISBN: 978-93-80388-69-4 9. Sood, Sudesh Kumar. Role of College Librarians in ICT era: trends, opportunities, challenges and future: paper contributed for National Library Day conference at Divisional Library, Chandigarh on 12th Aug’2011, proceedings, p 143-146 10. Sood, Sudesh Kumar and Gupta, Sudhir Kumar. E-Books for Scholarly Research paper presented at National Conference on Agricultutal Librarians and User Community (NCALUC-2011), Nov 17-19’2011.In M. S.Pathania et. al. (edds) Transformation of Agricultural Libraries in Collaborative Era,Hyderabad,BS Publications, 2012, p133-138, ISBN: 978-93-81075-59-3 11. Sood, Sudesh Kumar and Sharma, Neelam. Web 2.0 Technologies, Library 2.0 to a New Paradigm Librarian 2.0. Paper presented at National Seminar at Divisional Library, Chandigarh. In Rajkumar et. al. (edds) Information Communication Technology Applications in Library Services, Chandigarh, Abhishek Publications 2012, p 305-310, ISBN 978-81-8247-454-3 12. Sood, Sudesh Kumar. Social Networking in Academic Libraries: The possibilities and the Concerns. In proceedings of: National Conference on Beyond Librarianship: Search for New frontier, 21st to 22nd September’2012, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida (Delhi NCR), Vol II, p 174-180; ISBN No.978-93-81583-60-9 13. Gupta, Sudhir and Sood, Sudesh Kumar. Agriculture Gateways for Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs): Touching New Horizons in Himachal Pradesh. In Innovative Practices in Management of Agricultural Libraries in the ICT Envorinment (Proceedings of the National Conference of Agricultural Libraries & User Community NCALUC-2012 (5th-7th December-2012) edited by Rabindra K Mahapatra et al. Bhubaneswar, AALDI, 2012,p ISBN 81-88897-13-2 14. Sood, Sudesh Kumar and Gupta, Sudhir Kumar. Reading Habit and changing role of Libraries in Electronic Environment: A case study of BCA Students of Government PG College, Una, H.P.In P Venkata Rao et. al. (edds), Libraries and Reading Habit in Electronic Environment, Panchkula,B P Publishers, 2012 p60-68, ISBN: 978-81-909943-5-4 15. Sood, Sudesh Kumar,Gupta Sudhir Kumar and Sharma, Neelam. Web 2.0 Technologies and its Applications for Preparing Librarian 2.0 In Sanjay Kataria, John Paul Anbu K , Shri Ram and Sudeep Sharma (edds) : Future of Digital Libraries, New Delhi, KBD Publication, 2012.p74-79: ISBN(10): 81-907999-2-4 ISBN (13): 978-81-907999-2-8 16. Sood, Sudesh Kumar and Gupta, Sudhir Kumar. Social Networking in Academic Libraries: The Possibilities and the concerns. In Akhtar Parvez, R, Venkata Kesavan and Jitinder Sharma (edds) : Creating Wisdom and Knowledge Through Shared Learning: Role of Librarians and Information Managers. Conerence Papers; MALIBNET 2012; Indian Institute of Management, Indore 11-13 October’2012 Delhi, Bookwell, 2013, p430-437. ISBN: 978-93-80574-40-0 17. Sood, Sudesh Kumar and Mukherji, Ipshita: Mobile Technology applications in Emerging Library and Information Services. In M.P. Singh and Adesh Kumar : Libraries towards Digital Paradigm, Conference Papers First SPL Annual Convention (NCLTDP-2013) , Agra, Y K Publishers,2013, p I 211-I 218, ISBN978-93-80668-21-5 18. Sood,Sudesh Kumar and Gupta,Sudhir; Role of Public Libraries in promotion of e-governance: A case study towards grassroots development in Himachal Pradesh. In Salek Chand, M. Natarajan and R.N. Malvia : Knowledge Organization in Academic Libraries (KOAL-2013): Life cycye of an e-resource,New Delhi, Viva Books, 2013, p432-448;ISBN:978-81-309-2428-1
Seminars/Conferences/ Workshops/Training Programmes attended:-
1. Attended 2nd orientation cum workshop on improvement of Library services Organised at SCERT,Solan under RRRLF,wef Marchā14-16,1989.
2. Attended training Programme cum workshop on introd. To computers and its applications in libraries at SS Library,UHF, Nauni(Solan) wef Decā17-24,1991.
3. Participated in the course on computer application in libraries conducted by the Govt. of H. P Institute of Public Admn. Shimla wef April 16-23ā1993.
4. Attended 43rd All India Conference of ILA held at P.U. Chandigarh, wef Nov,5-8ā1997.
5.Participated and presented paper at International Seminar on the theme,āPublic Library Scenario in the 21st Centuaryā held at New Delhi wef May, 21-22ā1998 org. by RRRLF.
6.Participated and presented paper at a National seminar on āStatus of Indian Publishingā held on Feb.,5ā1999 at New Delhi,,org. by RRRLF>
7. Attended 44th All India Library Conference of ILA held at P.S Telgu Univ, Hyderabad wef Feb,25-28,1999.
8. Participated in the āTraining. Prog. Cum workshop on Inf.Tech. to Libraries at SS Library, UHF,Nauni(Solan) wef. March,8-12ā1999.
9. Attended Orientation prog. For Councellors of IGNOU,for Library & Infornation Course,held at Regional Centre,Shimla,wef.March,29-30ā1999
10. Participated and presented a paper at National Seminar on Library movement in India after Independence held wef April 5-6, 1999 at Channai.
11. Parcicipated in the orientation Programme in Planning and Management of libraries of Himachal Pradesh organized by NIEPA,New Delhi wef June,7-11ā1999 at Shimla.
12. Participated in the National Convention on Library and Information Networking (NACLINā99) org. by DELNET,at New Delhi wef Oct,11-14ā1999.
13. Attended orientation programme for BLIS/MLIS Counselors of IGNOU held wef June,25-26 at Regional Centre,Shimla.
14. Successfully completed the āINFLIBNETā training programme on āSOULā wef, Jan, 06-10ā2003
15. Participated and successfully completed workshop on Library Automation with special emphasis on SOUL at SS Library,UHF,Nauni,Solan wef. March, 15-19ā2005.
16. Participated and presented a paper at the 5th International Convention on āInformation and Knowledge Management in Networked WorldāCALIBER-2007, held at ,PU,Chandigarh wef,Feb,8-10ā2007.
17. Participated in UGC sponsored National seminar on āManaging college Libraries in the digital environment:opportunities and challenges,held at Dev Samaj College,Chandigarh wef ,Aug.03-04ā2007.
18. Attended 12th National convention on Knowledge,library and information networking_NACLIN-2009,held at P.U. Chandigarh wef ,Sept,22-25ā2009.
19. Acted as Resource person for the Workshop on Automation of Libraries at NIIT,Hamirpur on 11.12.09
20. Successfully completed INFLIBNET (IRTPLA) training programme on Library Automation held at UHF, Nauni, wef, July, 05-09ā2010.
21.Participoated and presented a paper in 2nd International Symposium onāEmerging trends and technologies in libraries and Information Services,held at JPUIT,Waknaghat,wef,June,3-5ā2010.
22. Participated and presented a paper in UGC sponsored National Research seminar,at MJS,Govt. PG College,Bhind,M.P. wef.June 26&27ā2011.
23. Participated and contributed paper"Role of College Librarians in ICT era: trends,opportunities,challenges and future" for National Library Day conference at Divisional Library,Chandigarh on12/8/11.
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Hello sirĀ
H r u?
National Conference on
āRole of ICT in Library Managementā
jointly organised by
Library Professionals Association (LPA), New Delhi &
Lyallpur Khalsa College of Engineering, Jalandhar (Punjab)
APRIL 26, 2014 (Saturday)
Venue: Lyallpur Khalsa College of Engineering, Cantt. Road, Jalandhar (Punjab)
hello sir,
how are you/
hello sir h r u ?
hello, sir
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā how r uĀ ?
how are you,una is good sity also i am stay 2year there near place amb .
i organazed a National Library Conference in 19 November2011,saturday,
paper last date 30 oct.2011 more details see lislinks semminar /conference
Dr.Satyaprakash Singh
Chief Librarian.ACCMAN Institute of Management Gr.NoidaĀ
hello sir! good morning..
m fi9 sir n u?
hello sir,
happy Republic day
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