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Dear Library professional Sir/Madam/FriendsPlease discuss about “Book ordering process “step by stepI think it I’ll be helpful to those who are beginner in the field of library profession and it…Continue
Started Mar 26, 2012
I think its useful to library Students/Professional, have a glance on below link…Continue
Started Jan 27, 2012
Hello,Sir/Mam/Lib.Professional/FriendsI would like to know your opinion about Google online interactive tutorial, please go through this below link…Continue
Started Jan 27, 2012
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Could u help to write methodology 4 Mlisc project.Topic use &awareness of e-books among faculties &students
how can write questionnaire?
v v ga sir
thanking you sir for my help pinky
AICTE has made a policy that all engineering colleges should subscribe at least 6 INDEST resources. As a librarian I welcome this decision. But the main criteria used for selecting the journals for any consortia are1.Cost 2.Relevancy and 3.Usage of e-journals. But many studies reveal that the use of e-journals by PG students is more than UG students. Then why should a college having only UG course...s should pay the same subscription amount prescribed for PG and research institutions. So AICTE/INDEST should reduce the subscription rates of electronic resources especially for the colleges offering UG courses. This is much more needed for all engineering colleges offering only UG courses.This is my personal opinion