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I would Like to install Dspace. Kindly Guide me to install the software,
In which OS you are installing DSpace ?
The steps might slightly vary depending on OS.
This page will be helpful for configuring DSpace
Pls visit below link
DSPACE can install in Windows Platform?
IF yes plz convey the ways to install DSpace using windows platform
Dspace 5.1
Installation on Windows 7 (32 bit system)
Pre-Requisite software
Java SDK
Apache Maven
Apache Ant
Apache Tomcat
Before Installation of DSpace
Please check the system whether it is working on 32 or 64 bit windows
To find out following are the steps:
Windows 7 (Right Click on Computer and Select Properties)
Installation Steps
Before attempting installation please check that you have
downloaded and saved all the mentioned prerequisites as
shown below.
Java JDK (jdk-7u79-windows-i586)
Apache ant (apache-ant-1.9.4-bin)
Apache Maven (apache-maven-3.0.5-bin)
PostgreSQL (postgresql-9.2.2-1-windows)
Apache Tomcat (apache-tomcat-7.0.34)
DSpace (dspace-5.1-src-release)
Step- 1
JAVA (jdk-7u79-windows-i586)
Installing Java, to do this , double click on the file ‘jdk-7u79-
windows-i586’ and follow the on screen instructions and accept
the license agreement.
Step -2
APACHE ANT (apache-ant-1.9.4-bin)
To install Apache Ant , create a new folder named “ANT” in “C:” drive , Unzip
(Expand) contents of “apache-ant-1.9.4-bin” in to C:\ANT
APACHE MAVEN (apache-maven-3.0.5-bin)
To install Apache Maven create a new folder named “MAVEN” in C:\MAVEN
unzip “” in to that folder.
Step-3 (Environment Variable)
For Windows 7
Right click “My Computer” Click “Properties” Click on “Advanced
System Settings” from “Tasks” Choose “Advance” tab Click on
“Environment Variable” Button
Variable Name: JAVA_HOME
Variable Value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79
Variable Name: ANT_HOME
Variable Value: C:\ant
Add followings to your PATH variable
; C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\bin;c:\ant\bin;c:\maven\bin
Now it is time to verify the platform, to do this execute
following commands in to the command prompt.
> java –version
> ant –version
>mvn – version
One should get following output.
This step covers installation of PostgreSQL with database
creation, to install PostgreSQL double click on “postgresql9.2.2-1-windows”. Follow the onscreen instruction given by
In this step we will create an empty database for DSpace. To
do this , perform following operation
Start >> Programs >> PostgreSQL 9.2 >> pgAdmin III
In this window right click on your server and click on
connect as shown below.
“New Login Role”
To Create database
To Create database
Apache Tomcat (apache-tomcat-7.0.34)
This step installation of Apache Tomcat will be attempted,
to do this, double click on “apache-tomcat-7.0.34.exe”
Apache Tomcat Setup
This step we will perform actual installation of dspace.
Before doing this create an empty directory in C: drive, where actual
configuration, program files and data files of dspace will reside.
In our case we will be using “C:\dspace”
Extract all the contents of ‘’ to one folder (i.e. dspace)
and copy entire folder to your C:\ drive as C:\ dspace\dspace-5.1-src-release
Once the files are unzipped, go to
Find out “build” and open in notepad or any other editor and at least change the
following parameters. Use forward slashes `/` for path separators
Changes to be made in
Once you have edited dspace configuration file open the command prompt and go
to “C:\ dspace\dspace-5.1-src-release \dspace” folder
“cd C:\dspace\dspace-5.1-src-release\”
Now type “mvn package” and press enter
“C:\dspace\dspace-5.1-src-release\> mvn package”
Note: Please note that internet connection is required to perform this operation,
Maven will download dspace source dependencies online.
Now go to “c:\dspace\dspace-5.1-src-release\dspace\target\dspace-installer” on
command prompt
“cd c:\dspace\dspace-5.1-src-release\dspace\target\dspace-installer”
Now type “ant fresh_install” and press enter
c:\dspace\dspace-5.1-src-release\dspace\target\dspace-installer >ant
Step-9 Create Administrator
Now it is time to create default system administrator. To create
administrator execute following command
“C:\dspace\bin\dspace create-administrator”
Using your explorer browse through your C:\dspace\webapps folder
Copy “jspui” and “xmlui” folder to your tomcat
installation’s webapps folder
Start tomcat service if it is already not running by going in
to :
Control Panel Administrative Tools Services
Apache Tomcat 7 and clicking on “Start”
Point your browser to
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