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How Library profession will progress in flood of purchased Library Degrees and poor selection committees: who is responsible?

In the current time library degrees are throwing by many private universities and the peoples did not know anything about library profession and getting degrees very easily without attending classes, the condition is very horrible for our profession therefore my demand to all library professionals to make good selection of staff for the progress of library profession .Poor selection committees are also responsible for flood of useless & fake degrees.
A well known university (Uttar Pradesh) Call interviews for appointment of Professional assistant, Semiprofessional Assistant.
A very poor selection committee held their for selection of library professionals, Selection committee have four members, one Most Sr.Library Professor was there and three non library members were in the committee ,The committee members giving 1-2 minutes for justifying the capabilities of professional caliber and during interview, committee members were asking very low level questions like:
Why u wanted join here?
Where u working?
What is your salary there?
Ok go.
90% internal temporary staff was there in interview and almost internal staff selected for permanent post but it is bad news for well qualified professionals they don’t have approach there and approach.
It is our collective responsibility to stop this type of selections and take action for fair selections.

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Dear S.S.Ray

Many times I face this type of problems

so this is my suggestion to all  professionals to please don't think negative because system takes some time to motivate the thinking.

please aware to all and stop this type of things strongly.

Dear Mr Mukesh

Please separate the two matters separately (i) flood of degree from private universities (ii) Fair selection committee.

One Thing is very clear that we should have to believe that the decision of selection committee is final, Every body should believe that Committee  will favour the interest of institution for which the are constituted.

So why we are blaming the selection committee. The institute constitute the committee of a such a persons who are supposed   to be well wisher of the institute and the make fair appointments in favour of institution.

So they did.... so when we are not selected we are blaming on the whole system but the fact is that the committee not found me suitable for that post so why we are criticising,

Suppose your college advertise the post on which you are working very satisfactorily from past 25 years for regularising the post.... hundreds of qualified peoples attend that interview and you are not selected for that post... you thrown out from that institute then what will your action how you justify that selection committee done its work fairly ... then still you are blaming the committee, so my dear Think positive and do positive and write positive.

If a person  giving all the answers correctly of  a selection committee after that he was not appointed.Why ?

Naqvi I think u know & aware last selection committee of reputed university. I also in that interview list but at last I found this was only wastage of many for job.

Many communities peoples are called for interview but only single community peoples are appointed in that selection committee.

how it is possible ? a particular community professionals are fit for job there.

Thanks for comments.

Dear Naqvi  u are always super in your working but when I know about result I shocked that what was the selection committee , can't justify to right peoples for right job.

I am happy with my life and my working but condition is very horrible for the profession my dear friend.



I Agree with Sri Naqvi:  The issue has two distinctly different faces.

One is substandard degrees offered by some organizations.

(I am not differentiating between Govt. and Private institutions as not all private institutions offer substandard Degrees and at the same time standard of degrees offered by Govt. institutions vary drastically!)

The other is the issue relates to Selection Committees and recruitment of internal candidates

There is an old saying Deserve first; then Desire! and as I go through the clusters of comments I feel the proverb within my guts! It is not true that external candidates are always superb than internal candidates. However, it is a bare fact that often we find internal candidates of relatively low standard are selected while more competent and deserving external candidates are summarily rejected. More pathetically it is also a fact that deserving internal candidates are often languished and relatively poor internal  candidates are selected. There are several underlying issues and by far the most prominent is the internal power structure of the institution which one can quite reasonably say, some sort of incompetent administration. It also happens in the case of external candidates as well, better (external) candidates are often rejected and comparatively poor (external) candidates are selected.  So it is not that internal candidates are always to blame.It is often observed that the expert especially if he/she is a teacher often tries to select from his/her own institution. This is simple human psychology. It happened in the past and will happen in the future as well and the concerning matter is that such things will happen more and more if vacancies are less and candidates are more.  and here comes the issue of substandard degrees. A couple of months ago, I was asked by one of my old friend who happens to be the chairman of  the Library Committee of an R&D Section of a Nationalized Ratna Company and asked me to work as an expert of a recruitment Committee to select some scientific Asst. (Library) for an organization.I was also asked to scan all the applications ( around 250+) and sort list some 25 - 30 candidates in General Category, and 10-15 in reserved Categories. It was indeed a mammoth tusk. There were several excellent CVs  which I had to sort list. However, upon further verification, I discovered that in some cases several items were false. like participating in training Courses and presentation of papers in Conferences. Interestingly I myself attended some of the conferences and no paper was presented by  some of them!! They were professionals of early thirties and the entire professional life are lying ahead of them. I don't have any idea whether they have got their job (Some are already employed) on the basis of fake credentials. and all these candidates as their papers indicates have passed from some organizations whose standard of teaching as I know, are not at all good. Some done their B.lib from far North India and M.lib from South and M. Phil from some private Organizations and it revealed from the dates that some individual got his/her M.Lib Degree while in Service in some other place! I had to summarily reject such applications and had to shortlist all over again from candidates who passed from known institutions. I am sure that many  people may accuse me as I opted for known institutions, but, since I had the responsibility to scan and shortlist the candidates, my own integrity and transparency could have been at stake!! The spawning of some sub standard institutions ( I am not using the word Fake as I am not sure about it) where degrees are available easily are mostly responsible for polluting the profession. I understand the consensus of the candidates. The organization offers excellent salary and fringe benefits and that lured these incompetent individuals.

Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta


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