In the current time library degrees are throwing by many private universities and the peoples did not know anything about library profession and getting degrees very easily without attending classes, the condition is very horrible for our profession therefore my demand to all library professionals to make good selection of staff for the progress of library profession .Poor selection committees are also responsible for flood of useless & fake degrees.
A well known university (Uttar Pradesh) Call interviews for appointment of Professional assistant, Semiprofessional Assistant.
A very poor selection committee held their for selection of library professionals, Selection committee have four members, one Most Sr.Library Professor was there and three non library members were in the committee ,The committee members giving 1-2 minutes for justifying the capabilities of professional caliber and during interview, committee members were asking very low level questions like:
Why u wanted join here?
Where u working?
What is your salary there?
Ok go.
90% internal temporary staff was there in interview and almost internal staff selected for permanent post but it is bad news for well qualified professionals they don’t have approach there and approach.
It is our collective responsibility to stop this type of selections and take action for fair selections.