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How Library profession will progress in flood of purchased Library Degrees and poor selection committees: who is responsible?

In the current time library degrees are throwing by many private universities and the peoples did not know anything about library profession and getting degrees very easily without attending classes, the condition is very horrible for our profession therefore my demand to all library professionals to make good selection of staff for the progress of library profession .Poor selection committees are also responsible for flood of useless & fake degrees.
A well known university (Uttar Pradesh) Call interviews for appointment of Professional assistant, Semiprofessional Assistant.
A very poor selection committee held their for selection of library professionals, Selection committee have four members, one Most Sr.Library Professor was there and three non library members were in the committee ,The committee members giving 1-2 minutes for justifying the capabilities of professional caliber and during interview, committee members were asking very low level questions like:
Why u wanted join here?
Where u working?
What is your salary there?
Ok go.
90% internal temporary staff was there in interview and almost internal staff selected for permanent post but it is bad news for well qualified professionals they don’t have approach there and approach.
It is our collective responsibility to stop this type of selections and take action for fair selections.

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I don't agree with you about the selection procedure.. Let me ask you one question, if you were working out there and you were selected as the internal candidate, then also you comment the same...Now you say yes to my question, but you won't...

The interview board is not an ordinary board. These interviewers are selected after a long experience or expertise in their specific disciplines. and in which law states that, Sr. Library Professional can't take an interview. You may be aware of the situation that, one psychological person is also present there to check your behavior during your interview...

Being a candidate, our duty is to do perform well not to criticise.


I never want to criticize  anybody and for my profession. It is only suggestions to all if some one doing this type of selection and getting fraud degrees ,please stop them take action because our brilliant professionals are facing problem and non-liquified getting jobs though the internal sources.

  • mistake + action = right
  • mistake+criticize = thinking
  • right+ thinking     = good selection

Matter is this, why internal are selected in more quantities? 

This is not a matter of criticism. This  is only suggestion ,mostly committees are performing wrong way.

May be possible some are not in favor but it true and mostly knows the  condition of current time.

I have no doubt on intelligence and experiences but I have always doubt on selection policies.

thanks lot for your comments.


I strongly agree with your view. You are right I also face an interview in the Research Innstitute where no body belong to the library science field and they ask me a question related to library science and you can't belive they dont now the answer . In the last they said that you are intelligent we are not from the library science field but you give the answer .....................means you now the answer we dont now whether  you say right or wrong ............... but you say every thing so confidently so I select you.................................. 

Only library professional will select a right person. Strong board of Committe is the strong plate form for the selection of right and qualified person.

 That was my first job sir.

Thanks you upload this question. 

from Surbhi


aware from this type of situation and talk to committee, pl call expert some where for proper selection.


mukesh sir,

     i agree with you. this is true for selection committee every place. 95% internal candidate are selected in every selection. i have face many inerview in govt. deptt. only internal candidate are selected. but i do not understand. what is the need of advt. for waistage mony and time . we improve this. thanks for this strong view.


The Paper advertisement consider as evidence of actual and fare selection but realty is that person already nominated before interviews and advertisement is formality of fare selection.

But non-working professional didn't know the realty and applied before time and in more quantities.

I request to all please stop this type of selection strongly because it very dangerous to brilliant success.

Dear Sri Mukesh C Bharti,

Thanks for your post, as both of us have commented to several of our earlier posts, You can easily understand my consensus. With mushrooming of Degree awarding organizations with extremely poor standard, I commented a couple of months ago that "soon we shall have book sorters with Ph.D. Degrees" It was a very painful observation on my part but the reality is most of these degree awarding organizations never bother about placement issues of their students. by the word PLACEMENT I mean proper job for proper Degrees. If a person with a good M.Lib. Sc is given a consolidated salary of 8K per month is not a placement. Just as a Person with proper Ph.D Degree should never to be seen as a Library Technician.

Regarding interview and subject expert, at present, especially in organizations where modern technologies are to be introduced, a well versed professional expert is extremely necessary. However, unfortunately, in many cases such experts are just show pieces as majority of the committee members are non professionals. But in case they want to recruit some worthy person, they can very well do that. the internal people know very well about their future plans regarding the Library and can ask requisite questions if their intention is positive. I know of a few local Institutions where the recruited persons' bio-data were 90% mis-matching to the advertisements for the respective posts and ironically, in at least two cases, the experts kept mum about such issues. These experts need to ornamentize their CVs as expert committee members of recruitment boards!!

I am sorry to say that I strongly disagree to Sri Ajit Prabhakaran's comments as I understand that many of us have become victims of such ill treatments.There should be some marks (say 10) earmarked for internal candidates but in case, the interviews are just eyewash, then it is nothing but sheer harassment for the external candidates. I believe that UGC has introduced NET exam to avoid such nuisance but the present trend of objective type questioning has diluted the assessment procedure. I am sure if the UGC would have stuck to the earlier structure the success rates of NET would have been much less and only the highly deserving candidates having superior clarity to analyse explain the issues could have been selected.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta


Every body knows what is the policy of selection, very less % outsiders are selected.

Selections not only the matter ,matter is this which type of question are asking by the committee and an outsider is giving more effective answers comparatively internal personl but He never selected and anther side a internal person just making attendance in interviews and selected.

It is true that Interview board is the board of experienced person- OK

How u can justify that a experienced board can't do 420 in selection ,Everybody knows experienced board can do any 420 very easily because they knows everything for the selection.

A young and fresh board never make experienced mistake in the selection.

when test are already conducting for selection why interviews are essentials?

In major corruptions only experienced  peoples are involved,not only in library other cases also.

Dear Sri Mukesh C. Bharti,

Thanks for your post and comments, which, I presume, springs from loads of bitter experience. As a so called experienced person, I completely agree with you. In fact the experienced persons (including me, of course!) knows pretty well how to slip out keeping the entire system O.K. So, legally, you can not accuse them. In my professional life, I have experienced such things many times. As I believe, in the interview board, a subject expert is extremely necessary provided s/he must have a good understanding of the exact requirements of expertise for that particular post in that particular institution and equally importantly s/he must possess adequate knowledge in that particular field of expertise.(Otherwise, it will be impossible to judge the competence of the candidates!)

I have seen some specific individuals as expert in recruitment board of many front line research institutes (National Science Research Laboratories on Physical Science, Health Sciences and Life Sciences and research institutes on Social Sciences) and Universities and even public Libraries. I am sure that you will agree with me that each of these institutions require distinctly different level of expertise and it is virtually impossible for a single individual, (no matter how much competent he/she is) to judge candidature of individuals suitable for each of the above posts. At the best, he/she can judge some common human related issues like leadership qualities, abilities to work in a group and as an individual and just that.

Let's take an imaginary example: A person working in a Public Library and who knows nothing  what is an antigen and antibody or never seen Medline database, can not even say what BMJ stands for and becomes chief of Library of a National Medical Research Institute. How can he or she ever expect to assert authority among his/her staff? Never-the-less, When any Scientist will ask for any reference, everything will go over his or her head!! I am not hinting towards recruitment of internal candidates but outside candidates from similar institute with adequate expertise should be the actual choice. Unfortunately, in many cases such things never happen and both the institute and incumbent suffer equally. At a certain point of time, just getting salary does not mean everything.The individual suffers with inferiority complex throughout his/her life and can never become a natural leader who earns respect from his/her colleagues. I have no idea whether my co-professionals in this social network will put any emphasis at all to my last comments, but until and unless a Librarian, as an In-Charge of a Library exert respect both from academic communities and colleagues alike, can never be a successfull professional individual.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta


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