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I know a few of such sources which provide latest information on research in LIS i.e. LISA. Please suggest some more.

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Why you are going for abstract only? Why dont you try full text available in the Open Access Journals like DOAJ, OAJSE and such others. Even you can use Google Scholar.

Actualy I need abstracts only due to stipulated time limits. Thanks for your suggestion and sharing information.

International Journal of Library and Information Studies 
www.Emerald (LIS Collection)                                    
Oxford University Press                                              
Project Muse                                                              
Springer Link                                                             

Taylor and Francis                                            

Thanks dear Pandu for providing such a vast list of sources

Sir, you may also try

Library Literature & Information Science Index, that provides comprehensive indexing of articles from key library and information science periodicals. Created by librarians for librarians, this database encompasses some 390 journals, over 300 books annually, chapters in collected works such as conference proceedings, library school theses and pamphlets. Coverage reaches as far back as 1980.

Thanks dear Saini for full hearted support to me.

I think you are compiling an Encyclopedia in LIS. Anyways thanks dear Kamal for such a huge list of sources.



Dear Sri Handa,


Thank you for your post and your query.  LISA (Library and Information Science Abstract) is an abstracting journal. We have the indian counterpart ILSA (Indian Library & Information Science Abstract) published from IASLIC, Calcutta. However, as I feel, we can pursue extremely fruitful research work if we have clear concept, anlytical mind, in-depth knowledge and fair intelligence. Please do'nt mind my saying it, but the issues important to our western co-professionals in so called advanced countries are not necessarily that much important for a country like ours.

I am just providing a very small example.

We do not have any uniform valid list of books and journals for undergraduate Medical Education like MBBS in our Country. I understand that the NML (National Medical Library of India) has developed a consortium which includes several medical journals Still, admittedly, there is no mandatory rules from the part of MCI to introduce that one for recognition as I know. On the other hand, in USA, they have Brandon-Hill list of Medical Books and Journlas for Medical colleges and as I know the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association (now journal of Medical Library Association) of USA each year publish the liust and the list is regularly updated.

Now, if you initiate a project to prepare such a list for Indian Medical colleges, it will be a remarkable job as it is highly necessary in the perspective of our country.

Paying all the due respect to LISA or ILSA or any other source, I am sure they will never suggest you to undertake any such research project.

If you encountered any problem or if you identify any valid issue, get genuinely interested to solve it, then the world is open before you!

You can even take advantage of this forum to get necessary feedback from your co-professionals and it is not always necessary to get it from our foreign co-professionals.

I can give you my own opinion from my personal experience abroad, I often found them to do what we call  trouble shooting and they do it as pilot project and on the basis of the outcome, they take the issue as a bigger project and try for funding.

Well, what I have narrated above is a matter of a few dacades ago and they did not have such financial crunch like present days and ironically, in our country, we did'nt have such huge foreign currency reserves which we do have at present!!  

I hope I could explian the issue.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta



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