First and Largest Academic Social Network of LIS Professionals in India
Almost 95% of the jobs/vacancies available for library jobs and which are posted in our LIS Links requires a qualification and 1 or 2 or 3 years of experience. How the freshers going to get an experience or make an entry to the working profession without previous experience as because no one interested to recruit a fresher in the very 1st instance. Can something be done on this?
Dear Sri Jo tonXing,
Thanks for your mail. Your comment took me to a journey down memory lane. And I am sure many of my coprofessionals who came in the profession a couple of decades ago will have the same feeling!! .
Well, At present many institutes advertise for Library Trainees. Watch out the ads and watch the institutes' profile. Try for those where you can learn and make your bone!
It will enrich both your CV and knowledge base. Because, in future, for job interviews you will remain ahead than your competitors. Keep in mind that employers need two things primarily: first; whether you are capable of serving their purpose and second; what you do possess over and above your competitors.
Good Luck!
Siddhartha S. Ray
Thank you sir for your comment, as for me i'm working in NIT Silchar central library as Library & Information Asst. in Contract basis for 6month and sometimes it feels like i am working in a private sector even thought it is a Central Institute Govt. of India (when it comes to Job security). any way what you have commented encourage me to go forward and make me realize that i'm not in a wrong profession. Thank you
Either central or state govt. prefers contractual staff(if permanent post is essential then deputation is a favorite preference) in their departments/organizations/institutions in now a days, reason behind is 1/4th salary is given against permanent post without any job security it means they can keep 4 contractual or intern or adhoc or guest or temporary person against 1 permanent post. Also they can pressurise you like private sector for more work and more results because you can't afford lose this temporary job too. I have seen around 90% govt organizations following this pattern remaining are on the same track. Ultimately Indian Higher education system or school education system is in downgrade direction. India would definitely feel this huge mistake soon.
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