1. Describe the role of national knowledge commission(NKC) in improving Library and information system in India.
What do you understand the communication models, explain Shanon’s model. What are the barriers to communication?
2.What is the need to reviewing and revising the present LIS education system in India.
Distinguish between bibliography service, indexing service and abstracting service.
15X3=45 MARKS
3. “Cutter is father of cataloguing.” Explain this statement.
4. Intellectual property rights(IPR)
5. What do you understand by information system
10X9=90 MARKS
6. Explain Dictionary, Glossary, Lexicon and Thesauri with suitable examples.
7. Distinguish between alphabetical arrangement, subjective arrangement and chronical arrangement.
8. Explain the need of controlled vocabulary.
9. What is digital object identifier (DOI).
10. Review of literature.
11. Pilot study
12. Distinguish between Management information system (MIS) and Decision support system (DSS).
13. What is performance appraisal? Explain its need in Library and information centers.
14. What is switching system, describe its kinds.