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If we purchase books from any vendor.Than how can we know that he supplies latest editions to us.
Just go through publishers website or talk to publisher about the latest edition.
book edation & year of publication
While ordering, from the part of the library, there should be clear demand of most recent edition. The Order list should reflect that. Do check publisher's catalog/website for the latest editions. Moreover, there might be a line line this "Unless specified otherwise, vendors are being requested to supply the latest edition available" in your order form. This will help you to defend yourself while discussing with the clientèle or management.
Thanks All of You
Now-a-days most of the book vendors are having online databases on print resources (bibliography databases) across the publishers and they provide free access to their clients. These databases help a lot to the librarians to check the latest editions, prices, availability and lot other things. Ask your vendor he may have one.
GOBI from YBP, OASIS from Coutts and Dawsonenter from Dawson are the few databases to say.
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