Dear all Good mornng!
It is true that June 2012 onwards the pattern for Paper III will be changed.UGC has decided that all the question papers for the test will be objective type. Due to the unhappiness expressed for subjective typr question paper by the students and delay in declaring the results, UGC has taken initiatives in changing the pattern of Paper III. Students can expect results much before the next NET exam.
Students appearing for the NET will be able to evaluate their performance immediately after Exam.The UGC, decided that candidates can take carbon prints of their optical reader answer sheets with them for verification at their homes. UGC chairperson Ved Prakash has said that it will enable students to know instantly how well they have attmpted the questions in the test.
Online support to guide the NET aspirants is an excellent way to explore. Lots of NET guide books are available in the market. But which one is best difficult to say. If an online 'Question & Answer Submission FORM' is designed for three different papers and members are requested to submit as many questions as they can each day, we can compile one big volume of BOOK for the benefit of students within one week. That can contribute a lot to LIS field in the country and more new members will be attracted to it.
Members can share their views.
Dr. M. Sarmah